(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 20:24

ok guys. i forgot to say this in my last little entry. i have pretty much mastered my boston accent. awesome. i was practicing while we were camping. you see, we met some people from boston, and i was making fun of the way they talk later with my mom, and i realized that i'm pretty good at it. it's awesome. i will go up to people and be like "hi. i'm from bwahston and this is my mothah from new yoak." well, not exactly like that....i don't know how to type it, i can only say it haha i am such a dork.

also, i have a tan. yay! i actually have like visible tan lines and everything!

and i realized i am definitely a city girl.....i got so lonesome for crowds and malls and everything. nature is awesome, and i like to see the scenery and go hiking, etc. but after a while, i just want to get back to civilization.

you know what i would love to do? go to nyc, see a broadway show, walk around central park, and go shopping. maybe. but no museums. i don't like them. i think i have ADD or something.....i can't read stuff for that long.

then i will go somewhere warm. very warm. in phoenix, az, it has been like 120 degrees. sounds wonderful. haha well, maybe not THAT hot, but somewhere nice....has to be at least 80. with a beach. with actual sand, not like that gravel sand. or the dirt kind. real sand. beach sand. i will lay out in my bathing suit (duh) and listen to the waves (it has to be the ocean) and watch the people walk by and then i will play beach volleyball. or not. i hate volleyball. mostly because i really, really suck.

then i will go shopping. because the place where i will go will also a nice downtown with little shops and stuff.

so.....who wants to go with me? haha ok so i'm not really going anywhere, but it would be nice. that's ok. michigan is alright. except that there are no real beaches. and no good shopping places. except rochester. they have the village or whatever it's called. but the only good stores are abercrombie, american eagle, and hollister. maybe i just need to expand my horizons.

i am really bored. i am home alone, and i don't know what to do. i think i will watch some tv. i don't really feel like hanging out, because i have a headache and i have been out all day, shopping and stuff. we took my brother to st. mary's to get his books and stuff. i felt so old....it's so weird not being in high school anymore. like all the guys in there, they were like juniors, sophomores, whatever, and i was like "aw, poor guys. still in high school." and it was weird because i know i'm older than them.....and they would look at me and i would think to myself "sorry, boys. i'm too old for you. i'm a college girl." wow that is soooooo weird. but awesome at the same time.

ok i am going to go do something else now.

you should listen to the song "gracie" by ben folds. it is the sweetest song ever. think about your dad when you listen to it. you will maybe cry. (that was directed at the girls. i doubt very highly if the guys will cry.)
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