Aug 09, 2005 23:20

ok, so, back to WHALES!!!!!!!!
we went on a whale-watching boat!!! it was sooooooo awesome, and also very cold. i wore a sweatshirt and my dad's jacket, and i was still freezing. but it's ok! we got to see whales! we saw like 4 humpback whales, some minky whales, (however you spell it), and some other whale that i don't really remember. they would stick their tails out of the water, and one of them even slapped the water with his fin a couple of times!! i got it all on tape, so if you ever want to see....just let me know!!! anyway, after that, i don't remember.....oh yeah i think we did laundry or something and then we went back to camp, made a fire, had dinner, and i played guitar or something like that.

THE BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we went SHOPPING!!!!! bar harbor is this little town on the island, next to acadia national park, and it is the cutest town ever. it is right on the ocean (duh, it's an island), and there are docks and stuff for lobster boats. then there is the downtown area, it is very small and quaint, like downtown clarkston or something. except more stores. anyway, i went in the best store ever...it's called macey's (not as in the department store....it was a different one. just a little boutique shop thing.) i bought the cutest bracelet, and a way cute sparkly hot pink belt, and the best shoes ever. i also bought a cd. after shopping, it started to rain, so we went back and i think we played a game or something. yes, we did. we played "upwords". i did not win. bummer.

the next day, we took off, and went to new hampshire. it was a little bit of a drive, but not bad. still, we didn't have time to do very much that day. when we got to the white mountains (in n.h.) we set up camp, which was definitely memorable. we ended up having to push the camper ourselves, because the campsite was screwy. anyway, we ate dinner, and then played a game again. this time we played a way better game. we played euchre. it was me and my bro vs. mom and dad. we lost. i told garrett i didn't want to be his partner anymore. then i said i was kidding. but i really wasn't. but it's ok. he redeemed himself, i don't know how, he just did. i will be his euchre partner again.

o man, this day was sooo busy. we had ONE DAY to see all of the white mountains and the things there. first, we went to see a waterfall. actually, we just happened to come across it as we were driving. there was a guardrail and stuff, but we climbed over it and climbed on the rocks over to the falls. it was awesome. we like stuck our hands in the falls and stuff (they were really little, nothing like niagara falls.) there were also a lot of rocks with silver stuff in it...it looks like real silver, but i can guarantee you it isn't. so we picked up a bunch of rocks, even though we were in a national forest and we weren't supposed to. this would be a day that we would break a lot of rules. after the falls, we went to these other falls things....yeah. this one actually had a path to walk on. and a sign that said "please stay on path." well, we didn't. right by the sign, my fam decides to walk up the hill and the rocks and stuff. but that's cool. actually, i think it was my idea....i don't know. anyway, then my brother stepped backwards into this thing of water and his foot was soaked. pretty funny. so then we went to see the old man in the mountain. that is this mountain which has rocks in the side of it that look like the silhouette of a man. so we were driving to go to this mountain thing, and it starts POURING!!! and everywhere there are signs that say "moose crossing" and "break for moose, it could save your life." so you have to be really careful because they just pop out of the woods and you don't really have a chance to react. well, it was pouring rain, and you couldn't see your hand in front of your face, let alone a moose. don't worry, my dad didn't hit a moose, but some other guy sure did! it was so sad, the guy was ok, don't worry, he will just be broke after he gets his car fixed, but the moose wasn't ok, obviously. it was on the freaking freeway, so the guy was probably going at least 60 in the rain. (you could see better by this time.) the moose was like trying to get up and walk because people were walking toward him and probably scaring him, but we think his back hips were broken because he had to drag his behind. it was sad. but we got over it. so then we finally get to the man in the mountain place, and guess what.....it wasn't there. the man was gone. the rocks had fallen like 2 years ago or something. we were bummed, but it was ok, because we got to have these really good chicken quesadillas at their visitor center. we were really wet, though, because we had to run thru the rain to get inside. so....this is the best part of the day. so all of you who are just scrolling down and not reading, PAY ATTENTION TO THIS PART!!!!! IT IS THE BEST PART OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok so there is this mountain in new hampshire called mt. washington. it is the highest point north of the rockies. it is also home of the world's worst weather. the highest wind ever recorded was on mt. washington. 231 mph. that's fast. and it is known to change from perfectly calm to crazy in like a minute. we drove up this mountain. no guardrails. in our trailblazer. high winds. skinny roads. sharp turns. huge vans coming down beside us and almost running us off the road and down the cliff. the sun was in my dad's eyes once, and we almost did go off the road and over the mountain side. i am not joking. yes, i know i exaggerate sometimes, but i swear i am not. my mom freaked, and later she said that she looked down and didn't even see the wheel on the ground....just a long drop down. it was so scary. my mom cried, and i almost did. but we got up to the top safely. when we got out of the car, it was so extremely windy. now, you have to know that i affirmed my fear of heights. i was sooo scared up there. i would look down and freak out. now, this wind...it wasn't like any wind i had felt before. inside the visitor center, they had a measuring-wind-thingy that said 30 mph, but when we got out there, i swear it was faster. there was one point when i couldn't even walk against it. i would move my legs, but i wouldn't go anywhere. there was another point when it pushed me forward, and also sideways. my brother had to practically hold me down. when we went back inside, someone told us that there was a time while we were out there that the wind was at 60 mph or 70 or something like that. that was freaky. and also freezing. i had shorts on. smart. anyway, we then met some dudes who had hiked up the mountain, and they were getting ready to go back down. it was a dad and his 2 sons. well, it was going to take them about 2 hours to get down, and the sun was going to set in about 30 minutes. they were also very wet because they had been out in the rain, and a lot of people have died of hypothermia on mt. washington. we had no choice but to offer them a ride back down the mountain. well, we had all of our stuff in the backseat.....a thing of drawers with snacks in it, backpacks, blankets, coolers, everything....so we had to cram that stuff in the middle next to my bro and the dad, and the 2 boys sat in the back with their backpacks and more of our stuff, and guess where i sat......on my mom's lap. yes, i sat in the front seat on my mom's lap for like an hour drive. i was pretty uncomfortable by the time we dropped the guys off at their car, but it's ok. it was worth it....we might have saved their lives.

ok, you don't have to read this, unless of course you want to. we had showers on this morning, and there was this boy in the bathroom who was making all these noises, like evil laughs and stuff, and he seriously sounded possessed. i'm not even kidding. i have heard a posessed person before, and he sounded like that. anyway, he really wasn't, he had some kind of mental problem. like, a real one lol. so after that, we drove. not for very long, just for a little bit. we drove to vermont. we went to Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory. it was funny....they had a graveyard for the ice creams that they don't make anymore, and each one had a funny epitaph (epitath? whatever.) we also got to eat ice cream, of course. that was probably one of the highlights of the trip :-) after that, we went to the von trapp family lodge, (you know, the von trapps. from the sound of music, except the real ones.) that was cool. there was a beautiful view, and a really cool stone chapel in the woods. there was also a girl working in the bathroom whose name was olga. i told my mom "they hired a hometown girl." she said "maybe it's a granddaughter." i said "yeah, no wonder she's cleaning the bathrooms." haha it really wasn't though. at least i don't think it was......
after that, we went to st. anne's shrine, where they had like all these crutches on the wall from people who had been cured, and stuff like that. we went out to eat at this pizza place, and it was in farm country. there were flies everywhere. including on our food. it was like "do you want flies with that?" yeah. guess what.....we stayed in a hotel. yessssss. but it took us forever to find one. that's ok. at least we had our own private bathroom. it gets to be really annoying, sharing a bathroom with like a hundred total strangers.

ok so the end of our trip....i was definitely ready to come home. i was sick of people's stuff being in my space. i was sick of, um, parents having "disagreements" with eachother. i was sick of sharing everything. i missed my friends. i missed my dog. i missed my computer. i missed my room, my bed, my nice clean shower, my washer and dryer, my car, my freedom.......i missed home! yeah, so i was pretty glad that we were finally going there! it was a loooooong drive. we left at like 11:00 am (after breakfast and showering and packing and everything.) we drove through canada. we stopped at this gas station, where the girl there, who was my age, couldn't believe that i was 18. she made sure i knew too. ok, i know i look young, but it's really not THAT incredible that i am a freshman in college. i mean, seriously, you would think that if someone told you how old they were, and they were older than you thought, you would just be like "oh, really? cool." or whatever you say when people tell you their age.... but you wouldn't be like "REALLY? no way! you look soo much younger! i didn't think you were that old. i never would have thought you were 18! i can't believe it. are you serious?" and on and on and on. it has always been an issue with me...i hate looking young. (tangent): one time when i was like 8 i went to this thing, and you have to understand that i was late in losing my teeth. i still had all my top baby teeth when i was 8. so this lady was like "how old are you? wait let me guess........five!" i just looked at her and i was like "uh....no. i'm eight." she was like "oh, really? well, i usually judge kids by their teeth, and you still have your front ones." and that was a really touchy subject with me, because in school (this was before i was homeschooled) everyone else was losing teeth except me. so her comment really pinched a nerve. ever since then, i have absolutely hated when people tell me i look younger, and then they make a huge deal out of it. don't people realize that it can really make you feel bad when they make a big deal out of it? people do it to me all the time....anyway, sorry. major tangent. i guess i need to vent some of that anger :-) back to my story: so we drove and drove and drove...we had to wait 3 hours at the bridge to cross the border, we really did. again no exaggeration. the line was backed up for miles. so at like 10:00 PM we stopped at the cracker barrel in michigan (finally) for dinner, then drove the last stretch. it was about one hour later, and we were home!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOME SWEET HOME!!!!!!! my dog hyperventilated. she really did. it took her an hour to settle down. we had to give her a treat to get her mind off of her excitement so she wouldn't have a heart attack. that night, i went online, and then went to bed.

today we cleaned the camper, went to the bank, went to meijers, i bought 2 cds, i mowed the lawn, and helped trim the flowers. now i am going to bed. the end.
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