(no subject)

Jun 13, 2007 23:52

i did eventually manage to make it downstairs for weapons and more food. i'm not an ace with my dad's rifles or shotguns but i can work them alright. i haven't used them yet, as i haven't really needed to and i don't think ally would much care for the loud noise they'd make.

i found a heavy pipe up in the shadows of the attic and waited until the house had been quiet for a long while. alpha was distracted by some empty tin cans and i snuck down the stairs and (rather begrudgingly) then closed them up again. it would mean i'd take longer to escape but at least none of them would be getting up there to her before i got back. i slung the rifle's strap over my shoulder and loaded the shotgun. i grabbed a few boxes of ammunition from the top shelf of the rack and checked the safeties on both guns.

i grabbed a cloth bag from the closet hallway and filled it with all the food from the upstairs cupboards (and the ammo, of course) as i could, peering out the windows at the same time. i saw a few of them. joggers, from the looks of their clothes. i figured i'd be seeing a lot of those. i recognized one of them as our neighbour, ms. sargeant. she looked pretty good, considering. i actually almost thought she was just a survivor like me until she opened her mouth and started that horrible moaning.

anyway, then i got all the fruit from the basket in the dining area. while i as doing that i was also filling a jug with water. i packed that up too, while surveying the damage done to the house. two windows were busted in, one in the living room and one in the kitchen. the computer desk was overturned and papers were scattered everywhere. i'm guessing they came in via both windows but left through the one in the living room. either that or they were just hanging out in the basement. i wanted to go down and grab my phone charger but i really didn't want to chance being trapped down there. instead i just quietly shut the basement door and backed into the entry way again.

i thought briefly about whether or not i could board up the windows and just stay in the first floor area but immediately decided against it. what, would leave alpha upstairs while i did it? she'd be panicking in a few minutes when i hadn't returned and i reckon her crying would probably send the whole undead-neighbourhood running in our direction. then, just as i heard her say, "mama," something moved out of the corner of my eye.

i froze, then spun in that direction, flipping the safety off and cocking the gun in one fluid movement. "whoa," i thought. "i didn't know i knew how to do that..." fortunately, it was just my parents' cat. he looked relatively unscathed but a bit bristly. poor guy. i patted him and carefully uncocked the gun and put the safety back on. i heard something fall over in the basement and i took that as my cue to get back upstairs. ugh. back up to the stifling heat of the windowless attic.

it took two trips to get everything i wanted from down there but i think we're okay for a while. there are at least fans and vents up here to keep the air circulating and the air conditioning is still on downstairs so it's a lot cooler this summer than it was last. smokey is up here with us now and he helps to keep alpha entertained. i don't know why she's been so chill all day but she's been doing surprisingly well. thank god.

i also got some diapers and a few of her books. a tiny lamp, the pillows from my parents' room, along with two blankets, toilet paper, some paper plates and cups, alpha's straw cup and a bottle, a notepad and some ink pens... smokey's food. and my parents' cordless phone.

nick called and he's alright. he works in a big, windowless factory. they've locked all the doors and docks down so no one's getting in or out for the time being but at least he's okay. and the lucky SOB has an actual toilet to use. i'd give both these boxes of crackers to not be peeing into tin cans right now. we couldn't really talk much because my cell phone doesn't hold a charge for very long but he said he'd call back later on my parents' number. i miss him. i keep thinking that he should be going to sleep soon because he needs to get up early to go to work but... well, he's already there.

i haven't heard from my mom. my dad hasn't called either. the phone rang a few times after i first shut us up here but i couldn't get to it, obviously.

anyway, i hope you're all doing at least as well as we are. and if there's anyone out there that feels like swinging by to take us to a safer location, just drive by and honk and then come back in like half an hour. wait three minutes and if we're not out of the house and in your vehicle then take off. don't go risking your ass just to save ours, though.

i hope tomorrow is better than today was.

and that concludes my first day of zombie apocalypse. i hope you've all enjoyed the show. maybe next year you'll join me!

zombies, bliteotw

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