(no subject)

Jun 13, 2007 14:26

Alpha woke me up around 4 or so this morning, as usual. She was crying a little and once I was up and awake I realized the cat was FREAKING out. She was hissing and spitting at the window (she usually does this when my parents' cat is outside but I saw no sign of him) so I put her in her carry box thing and she scratched the shit out of my arm. She actually bit me and drew blood. Anyway, she was dealt with so I went to talk to Ally. She nursed for a while and then I put her back in her crib. Not long after that, Nick's alarm went off and he got up to go to work. I could hear my parents moving around upstairs and I laid in bed listening as they all filed out the door. My mom was the last to leave around 7:15 or so. Mog would occasionally spit or hiss or just throw herself against the side of her box. I eventually got out of bed when I heard the box fall off the table and onto the floor.

I righted her box and went back to the bedroom. It was around 8 am and pretty bright outside. Alpha was sitting up in her crib just chattering to herself. I got her out and she nursed more and we went upstairs for breakfast. I started bustling around, making her some eggs and watching TV while she pitter-pattered around the house in her pajamas.

I heard screeching tires, a dull thud, and then a horrible crash. I looked out the window, naturally, and saw that one car had rear-ended an already parked car. I also noticed there were bloody, smeared hand prints on the kitchen window. Cue my freaking out. I started towards the door and then stopped just as I grabbed for the knob. There were two people just at the end of my driveway and they seemed to have just pulled a guy out of the car that had smashed into the other one.

They were yelling... moaning like. But their sounds couldn't muffle the screams of the guy they'd yanked onto the pavement. His face was bloody and his leg kind of stuck out at an odd angle. Just as I realized what was going on there was a sudden pounding at the kitchen window. I jumped backwards away from the door and Alpha came running like she always does when she thinks we have a visitor. I can't describe what I saw when I looked out the window. I don't want to think about it because it makes me feel sick to my stomach. But... there were parts missing. An eye. An arm.

As I turned he started moaning. God, it's the most horrific noise I think I've ever heard. And now it won't stop. It's pretty much all I can hear. I can't hear the trains or the expressway anymore. Every once in a while I hear a siren or a shrill scream and for a few seconds I heard my cat mewling and screeching when they got into the basement.

Alpha and I are fine for the time being. We're hiding in the attic and I'm posting from the ancient laptop Nick borrowed from his brother in law. And here I was, thinking he was crazy for wanting to get the wireless router for it. I have my cell phone but I can't seem to get through to anyone. Nick's not picking up his cell and my mom's work number is just playing a recorded message. I'm terrified and I'm trying so hard to keep it together but I don't know what I'm going to do. We're safe up here, there's no way up other than the collapsible stairs so I'm... I can't say I feel good about where we are or what's going on but for the time being we're not in immediate danger. We have some food but not much. If I hadn't been in the kitchen when I realized what was happening we wouldn't have any but fortunately I had time to grab some canned fruit and some crackers.

I'm glad Alpha hasn't weaned herself yet because I'm pretty sure Coke Zero isn't her beverage of choice.

There are guns downstairs.. Knives.. Lots of things that could be used as weapons and I feel like such a moron for not grabbing pretty much anything before shutting us up in here. Maybe if things quiet down later.. I don't think there are many of them in the house. Only two or three on the ground floor but I don't know how many in the basement. The guns are only a few feet from the attic stairs. Right now I just need to concentrate on staying quiet and trying to keep Alpha entertained. She's sleeping now... I don't know how she can sleep with the rumbling and moaning but she is.

Is this happening everywhere? I wish I had a TV or a radio or something. I'm not really finding anything online about it. A bunch of news sites are just down. Shut down? Fuck. Maybe just too much traffic. This can't just be localized, then.

And to think, all I was planning on doing today was walking to the video store to take back some DVDs and go to a scrapping class with my mom. God I hope they're all alright. I hope they all just found safe places and barricaded themselves in and aren't trying to get anywhere. I can't believe it got this bad this fast.

The laptop's battery isn't fully charged so I'm hoping the power doesn't cut out any time soon.

Look, if any of you are reading this and you're noticing weird shit going on you need to get somewhere safe. Get somewhere without a lot of windows or a lot of ways in. Get food, get water, and get weapons. Bats, clubs, guns if you have them but remember that guns need reloading so be sure to have a backup weapon. If you have a second story, get there and then destroy the stairs so they can't follow you.


Movies and books say that they are infected and can infect you. I don't know if this is true and I pray to god I don't have to find out firsthand.


If you find yourself in combat remember that these are no longer people. They are not your friends, family, neighbours or coworkers. You aim for the head and you take them down. Again, I don't know if it's just something made up or if it will work but I will not be taking my chances.


They can hear you. I don't know if they can smell you, but I'm betting that until their eyes rot out they can probably see well enough to track you. Don't attract attention to yourself. If you need to get somewhere, don't think you'll be able to stop for gas along the way.

Just, please, everyone think before you do ANYTHING. Please, please be careful.

zombies, bliteotw

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