To Have Loved and Lost or Never Loved?

Jun 19, 2010 20:24

 I sit on the hood of my car, enveloped by the ever-darkening night, the moon my only source of companionship. For hours, I've been glued to the same spot, not knowing whether I should continue on the road I've been traveling on or find some other path. Neither road will take me to where I want to go. That path was destroyed three months ago.

For once, I'm glad I'm alone. I can finally let the emotions that have been trying to burst out of my heart overwhelm my senses. I've been hiding this pain for so long to please everyone else. But now is the time to let go before I completely lose my sanity.

The tears begin so suddenly, and yet they flow so freely. The sobs that I've held in for so long escape from my lips. I'm completely broken, left with only the memories that once made me feel so whole...

They say love at first sight doesn't exist. However, on that day almost four years ago that will forever remain etched in my mind, I found the love of my life, and all it took was one glance. He was everything I never knew I wanted. Granted, he was not the most amazing-looking. In fact, most people found many flaws. But to me, he was absolutely perfect in every way imaginable. That's why I knew I was in love, even though I was only sixteen.

The happiest day of my life was when he revealed that he shared my feelings. And we instantly fell so deeply in love that I was convinced we would never find a way out. But I was content with being lost forever.

Apparently, true love doesn't exist. Or maybe I'm one of the only people in the world that can ruin true love. For three years, I was the happiest I could have been. In my quest to bring him happiness, however, I hurt him so deeply.

And now, he's gone.

No matter what I do, I will never have him back. He's moved on. Though my feelings of true love still burn in my heart, he is gone. The feelings I thought we would share for an eternity have burned out in his heart. How? Why? I was true love...

I've tried to win him back. I've tried to show him that I will never stop feeling the way I do about him. But what's the point if his feelings for me are gone?

If you love someone, let them go. If they truly love you, they will come back to you.

It's the hardest thing in the world, but I'm going to let him go. And I know he won't come running back. He has nothing to run back to. I am an empty shell. He took whatever worth I had left.

I wish him nothing but happiness. I hope wherever he moves to, it treats him better than this stupid ignorant town. I hope he finds a wonderful job and wonderful friends. I hope that whoever he ends up falling into true love with makes him the happiest he's ever been...happier than I ever made him.

Even though my heart is breaking, I know in the few remaining pieces of that shattered heart that it's the right thing to do. If I have to spend the rest of my life swimming in this misery, it will be worth it to see him happy and smiling again...

They say it's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. But this feels too much like hell on earth. The only thing that keeps me alive is knowing that maybe he finally has a chance at true happiness...

I slide off the hood of my car onto the cold hard ground. It seems ridiculous to let my emotions control my every movement, but the are much stronger than I.

The tears won't stop. And I don't want them to. It's better to feel pain than nothing at all...

"I can't breathe without you, but I have to...
It's two a.m. Feeling like I just lost a friend. Hope you know it's not easy, easy for me.
I'm sorry."

love, emotions, heartbreak, letting go

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