sarah_jones Jul 23, 2013 21:24
doctor who: clara oswald, doctor who: rose tyler, fanfic, doctor who: mickey smith, ficlet, doctor who: doctor/rose, doctor who, fanfic: how i died and lived
sarah_jones Jul 23, 2013 21:20
doctor who: 10, doctor who: doctor/rose, doctor who: rose tyler, fanfic, doctor who, fanfic: how i died and lived, ficlet
sarah_jones Dec 25, 2012 20:24
xover: spn/w13, warehouse 13, xover: multiple, fanfic, veronica mars, ficlet, xover: vmars/w13, supernatural, fanfic: it's far from over, xover: stargate/spn, sga, xover, xover ship: dean/veronica, xover: stargate/vmars, supernatural: dean winchester, xover: stargate/w13, xover: spn/vmars
sarah_jones Dec 23, 2012 03:03
banner, hawaii 5-0, fanfic, hawaii 5-0: other characters, hawaii 5-0: danny williams, hawaii 5-0: steve mcgarrett, ficlet
sarah_jones Aug 17, 2012 21:49
doctor who: 11, doctor who: doctor/rose, doctor who: rose tyler, fanfic, doctor who, ficlet, doctor who: doctor/river
sarah_jones Jan 06, 2012 22:35
doctor who: 11, harry potter: sirius black, fanfic, xover, ficlet, xover: drwho/hpotter, doctor who, doctor who: river song, harry potter, doctor who: doctor/river
sarah_jones Nov 23, 2011 21:28
xover: bones/spn, xover: multiple, bones, fanfic, xover ship: dean/veronica, xover, veronica mars, xover: bones/vmars, ficlet, supernatural, supernatural: dean winchester, xover: spn/vmars, supernatural: sam winchester
sarah_jones Jul 06, 2011 01:16
fanfic, xover, xover: hpotter/spn, ficlet, supernatural, supernatural: dean winchester, xover ship: dean/hermione, harry potter: hermione granger, harry potter
sarah_jones Jul 04, 2011 18:15
xover ship: buffy/eric, fanfic, xover, angel, btvs: faith lehane, ficlet, true blood, btvs: buffy summers, angel: other characters, xover: btvs/true blood, true blood: eric northman, btvs
sarah_jones May 31, 2011 04:24
criminal minds, xover ship: faith/spencer, fanfic: torchwood us, fanfic: criminal slayer, fanfic, xover, angel, criminal minds: spencer reid, btvs: faith lehane, ficlet, angel: other characters, criminal minds: other characters, criminal minds: derek morgan, xover: btvs/cminds, btvs