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Comments 4

vampire_sessah May 26 2011, 08:50:31 UTC
Absolut brilliant :D Es macht total Spaß zu sehen, was du dir ausdenkst :D Einfach nur brilliant & genial! :D


sarah_jones May 26 2011, 16:42:37 UTC
Danke! Freut mich, dass es Dir so gut gefällt. :-)


deaniebtvs May 28 2011, 02:47:24 UTC
Wow. That is an amazing picspam. You put so much thought into a whole season's worth of storylines, and merged Primeval, Doctor Who, and Torchwood wonderfully!


sarah_jones May 28 2011, 22:34:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you like the picspam and storyline. :-) I tend to have so many storyline ideas but never enough time to write fanfics for all of them, so I thought I'd turn this one into a picspam for now. And then it kept getting longer and longer. :-))


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