Crossover & Doctor Who fanart

Nov 05, 2010 21:35

Here comes some more fanart that I made recently.

mini-banner/header (+ background image):- Crossover: BtvS/SPN (Buffy/Dean), BtvS/True Blood (Buffy/Eric), BtvS/Twilight (Buffy/Jacob), Doctor Who/Supernatural (Martha/Dean, Rose/Sam, general shows), Doctor Who/Veronica Mars (10/Veronica, 11/Veronica), Harry Potter/Percy Jackson & the Olympians ( ( Read more... )

sgu, xover: drwho/spn, xover: multiple, xover ship: prue/sirius, harry potter: sirius black, manipulations, xover: drwho/stargate, torchwood, xover ship: eli/jenny, xover: btvs/twilight, charmed: prue halliwell, supernatural, percy jackson & the olympians, harry potter: hermione granger, supernatural: sam winchester, xover: hpotter/heroes of olympus, picspam, fanfic: torchwood us fanart, xover ship: buffy/jacob, harry potter: harry potter, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, xover ship: buffy/dean, doctor who: rose tyler, torchwood: jack harkness, criminal minds: spencer reid, supernatural: dean winchester, xover: hpotter/narnia, btvs: dawn summers, btvs, merlin, xover: btvs/lots, banner, xover ship: doctor/veronica, xover ship: buffy/eric, xover ship: dean/martha, xover: btvs/supernatural, btvs: faith lehane, doctor who: martha jones, doctor who: 10, doctor who: jack/rose, harry potter, sg: eli wallace, xover: drwho/vmars, xover ship: faith/spencer, charmed, harry potter: ginny weasley, fanfic: new worlds fanart, btvs: buffy summers, xover ship: dawn/sam, xover ship: hermione/percy, xover: btvs/true blood, doctor who, xover: btvs/cminds, doctor who: jenny, chronicles of narnia

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Comments 3

revengerv November 9 2010, 19:16:37 UTC
Dean Wincester and Jack Harkness?)) Interesting idea.


sushipuffs November 18 2010, 03:12:02 UTC


aces_are_rare January 26 2011, 22:48:15 UTC
Your art is really lovely, and some of the cross over ideas intrigue me, especially Sirius/Prue and the HP/Narnia ones. Though I don't watch Veronica Mars I thing the banner with her and Ten and the smaller black and white images of her with Nine and Eleven is amazing.

Don't feel bad about posting your fic in that comm: The Unusuals only lasted 10 eps so not many people know about it, and I can see where the name would be confusing.


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