Crossover & Doctor Who fanart

Nov 05, 2010 21:35

Here comes some more fanart that I made recently.

mini-banner/header (+ background image):
- Crossover: BtvS/SPN (Buffy/Dean), BtvS/True Blood (Buffy/Eric), BtvS/Twilight (Buffy/Jacob), Doctor Who/Supernatural (Martha/Dean, Rose/Sam, general shows), Doctor Who/Veronica Mars (10/Veronica, 11/Veronica), Harry Potter/Percy Jackson & the Olympians (Harry/Percy, Hermione/Percy), multiple

- Crossover: BtvS/Criminal Minds (Faith/Spencer), BtvS/SPN (Dawn/Sam), BtvS/Twilight (Buffy/Jacob), Charmed/Harry Potter (Prue/Sirius), Doctor Who/SGU (Jenny/Eli), Doctor Who/Torchwood/Supernatural (Jack/Dean, Rose/Sam, Martha/Dean), Harry Potter/Narnia (Harry/Ginny/Caspian), Harry Potter/Percy Jackson & the Olympians (Harry/Percy)
- Doctor Who/Torchwood: Jack/Rose, Martha/Jack/Rose, Martha/Rose

- Crossover: BtvS/LotS (Faith/Denna), Doctor Who/Merlin (Morgana/10)


If you take any please:
- comment, I love to hear what you like
- credit: sarah_jones on lj, charming_angel on ij or
- do not claim as your own
- don´t hotlink

You can find all my fanart at Some graphics are linked to tutorials/psd's there.
Credit for brushes, textures, tubes, psd's, etc can be found in my userinfo.

banner/header (+backgrounds):


BtvS/True Blood:

This was made for my ficlet 'Not going to happen':


This was made for my drabbles 'the Slayer & her Werewolf':

Doctor Who/Supernatural:

This was made for my ficlet 'the Prophecy':

This was made for the community whopernatural:

Doctor Who/Veronica Mars:

These were made for the community <doctor_veronica:

Harry Potter/Percy Jackson & the Olympians:

This was made for my ficlet 'A new Prophecy':


This was made for a challenge in xoverland:


BtvS/Criminal Minds:

These were made for my story idea 'Torchwood US':


This was made for my fanfic 'New Worlds':


This was made for my drabbles 'the Slayer & her Werewolf':

Charmed/Harry Potter:

This was made for my story idea 'Torchwood US':

Doctor Who/Stargate Universe:

These were made for my story idea 'Torchwood US':

Doctor Who/Torchwood/Supernatural:

This was made for my fanfic 'New Worlds':

This was made for my ficlet 'the Prophecy':

This was made for my story idea 'Torchwood US':

(matching icons here)

Harry Potter/Narnia:

These were made for a challenge in xoverland:

Harry Potter/Percy Jackson & the Olympians:

This was made for my ficlet 'A new Prophecy':

Doctor Who/Torchwood:

This was made for my fanfic 'New Worlds':

These were made for my story idea 'Torchwood US':


These were made for xover_daily:


Doctor Who/Merlin:


sgu, xover: drwho/spn, xover: multiple, xover ship: prue/sirius, harry potter: sirius black, manipulations, xover: drwho/stargate, torchwood, xover ship: eli/jenny, xover: btvs/twilight, charmed: prue halliwell, supernatural, percy jackson & the olympians, harry potter: hermione granger, supernatural: sam winchester, xover: hpotter/heroes of olympus, picspam, fanfic: torchwood us fanart, xover ship: buffy/jacob, harry potter: harry potter, criminal minds, doctor who: 11, xover ship: buffy/dean, doctor who: rose tyler, torchwood: jack harkness, criminal minds: spencer reid, supernatural: dean winchester, xover: hpotter/narnia, btvs: dawn summers, btvs, merlin, xover: btvs/lots, banner, xover ship: doctor/veronica, xover ship: buffy/eric, xover ship: dean/martha, xover: btvs/supernatural, btvs: faith lehane, doctor who: martha jones, doctor who: 10, doctor who: jack/rose, harry potter, sg: eli wallace, xover: drwho/vmars, xover ship: faith/spencer, charmed, harry potter: ginny weasley, fanfic: new worlds fanart, btvs: buffy summers, xover ship: dawn/sam, xover ship: hermione/percy, xover: btvs/true blood, doctor who, xover: btvs/cminds, doctor who: jenny, chronicles of narnia

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