Sep 20, 2006 10:11
Ok so...Week four of classes, homework is stacking up, and things are getting interasting. Reading lots of good and fun books in English, having to write a 1,000 word paper over one is not my cup of tea but still ok. Reading for American History Durring the Era of Revolution still sucks, and there's a friggen ton of it!! But even that's ok because the teacher is awesome!! He has a nice balance of humor, fun little extras, and facts in his lectures so it's worth it, really. Then there is the History of Michigan, reading is fun...we have a book that is just all primary sources, letters, news articles, interviews...that is really fun reading. Of course the really fun part is the research paper, we get to choose any topic we want so long as it's history in Michigan. I have been approved to do "Michigan Memories of World War II". Basicly I'll sit down and interview any and all the people I can find who remember anything about living durring the US's involvment in the war. My grandpa has already given me two great stories, and I so look forward to hearing more!
I've recently found out that I'm now a semmester behind. Since I haven't gotten around to retaking the writting portion of the basic skills test I'm not going to make it into the School of Education untill the fall. Then I found out that I have only two classes I can take...that means I'm two classes short of full time. I'm getting a pregrad. audit in October, I doubt I'm missing anything, but you just never know. At least I have talked to the School of Ed. councler and she's going to try and get me into one of the program classes if I can't fill out my scheadual. I already took Art for Elementarty Ed. but the credit didn't transufer right and I have to retake it. The really messed up part is that it's a prerequist for program, but you can't take it until you're on the program...yeah, fun. Well since I'm only held back by one part of the test, and because I've already done the class once (and most likely a harder version of the class) she's going to see if the proffesor will make an exception for me. That would be so awesome!
In the apartment, Brook is finally...mayby, getting the idea of putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and trash in the trash...that's nice. Stephanie rocks! I love rooming with her, we are so much a like...and Desha likes her too. In fact I think Desha spends as much time with her as she does with me, that is nice. After all, pets do seem to have the best judge of character. Hmm...well I think that covers it all!