Feb 10, 2012 12:02
Holy fucking shit. I don't know what has happened to me but these past three days I have binged so badly. Don't know what is going on. So disgusting. I have also purged like a maniac each time so I hope that at least hasn't made me gain more than 2 pounds.
I might wait and weigh in on Sunday or even Monday so I can live off soup for 2 days and hope to god I weigh the same. I hate purging. For some reason I never got thirsty after a purge but tonight I have. So I just chugged 3 glasses of water so I'm feeling so fat. Not feeling, am. Whenever I binge I can't go to bed until hours later because the thought of going to sleep full is horrible.
My friends and I are going out tomorrow night. This means alcohol. Alcohol means calories, and calories I cannot have after my three day weight gain. I will stick to water and diet coke. I already know I won't have a good time. Don't like going out. It's cold, boring and I am fat and ugly. Even taking off my make-up afterwards I find super annoying.
I return back home in four weeks. This is more than enough to weigh 8 pounds less.
I went and saw 'Chicago' last week, the dancers bodies were beautiful. The girl who played Velma Kelly was so gorgeous, her legs were so long and thin.