Aug 26, 2004 17:28
College makes me tired. I'm so exhuasted right now. Perhaps it's all the walking and waiting for class to start.
I did a really stupid thing yesterday. My communications class is full of really cute boys, and we had to do a group activity. So I got lucky and was with a cute boy and some other ppl. The activity was basically you look at the person and just by their appearance you had to guess things about them. One of the questions was, if you had a serious relationship, semi-serious, or free. The cute boy was free, and me being the biggest dumbass ever said I was in a serious relationship. I was thinking that it ment what would you prefer. Yeah. So now I ruined any chance of anything happening. I guess nothing would ever happen anyways, because I'm sure I was not pretty enough for him. That's what I hate about college, the competion is fierce.
I talked to Gina last night. I miss her tons.
The meeting people is going pretty slow. Slower than I had expected. I hope we meet our brother floor soon, because yeah.
There's a girl next door to us with a bf and he has parties I guess and she invited my rommate and I to go party with them. I hope we do. I'm sick of sitting here in my dorm room.
Did laundry last night for the first time at college, took forever, and the machines arent like mine at home. blah.
My health teacher sucks, and I dont like him. He's so random and weird, but other than that the teachers are pretty cool.
College is seriously all reading. I've had only one written assignment all week.