Forgive me, for I have turned to the dark side...

Jan 07, 2009 08:32

...and it was strangely compelling...

And I think I'm probably about to make myself an outcast on both sides of this yawning chasm that appears to be opening up before me with the next statement.

All things considered, I think I prefer the Werewolves...

I am, of course, referring to the terrible fact that I caved. I bought Twilight. And read it in one evening. Which is the first thing that ought to worry me. I mean, I read DH in eleven hours, but that was a special event, and I knew I was consciously speed reading in order to get through it before the spoilers hit town, but this book just kind of disappeared, like the third helping of Angel Delight. And probably means that it had about as much substance as Angel Delight, too.

The vampires, quite apart from the ridiculous sparkling and epic elven-like beauty thing they had going on, were exceptionally flat. Apart from Alice, who I continually found myself wanting to slap on the nose, like a naughty spaniel. She was the only one of the vampires who Meyers had bothered to flesh out in the slightest, making me think that perhaps despite the extraordinary super powers that these characters apparently had even when they were human, they were probably just as vapid and uninteresting as they are as vampires, and Carlisle should probably just have let them become extinct...

But the Werewolves? She seems to have actually tried with some of those! I mean, apart from more obsessive love stuff going on (I would hate to see the Marriage Guidance report on Meyers marriage, cos, damn, if she is writing what she knows, then that is one screwed up relationship...) they actually seem to have personalities! And shades of mood that actually have a middle ground between high as a kite and murderous rage!

And yes, the narration is vapid too. But then, I have to take a step back, and put some personal perspective on this. I am a 31 year old English housewife. I don't think I was ever a sixteen year old valley girl, cut from the same mold as Cher, from Clueless. If I were, I would probably think that, wow, this girl knows my thoughts, can read my mind when I'm faced with a load of insecurities and a seemingly unattainable new crush...

Although, I do have to say it. Bella has "Mary Sue" written all over her. She is every girls self-insert fantasy (and I do include myself in this statement, valley girl or no. I mean, can any of you honestly say that you haven't saved the world and got the guy in at least one fantasy moment of weakness?) She has so many (probably imaginary) faults, overcomes so many difficulties just walking around (apparently, trips to the hospital for walking from one room to another are a common occurrence in Bella's life, yet the word dyspraxia is oddly never mentioned...), and yet at least five of the most wonderful boys (or creatures, I have yet to rule out Mike being a million year old elf who missed the boats, Eric becoming Hulk when enraged, and Tyler secretly being a Time Lord on holiday...) all fall head over heels with her. Yep. That's a Mary Sue.

But despite it's faults, and there are plenty (not even touched on the plot...) to be had, it was strangely compelling. It was like watching a car crash, you just had to know what was going to happen next. It bit (no pun intended) so hard, that in the days between Christmas and New Year, I read Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse. And now I'm oddly irritated that the world seems to have sold out of Breaking Dawn.

I am a sad puppy. I know.

I don't think I will be switching fandoms, or anything like that. It's just a bit of light fun, not to be taken seriously. In fact, it really is like Angel Delight. Fun and fluffy, but got absolutely no substance, and too much will definitely make you sick!

On a plus note, the Essay Of Doom has been completed, and handed in. Not to my satisfaction, but I think it would be impossible to have a satisfactory answer when I don't even understand the question, so the best has been done. Now to await the Results Of Doom!


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