Jan 05, 2009 15:36
Essay crisis not resolved, but kicked into touch for today. Essay is the biggest bitch I have ever had the misfortune to meet, and will be glad when I can hand the wretched thing in on Wednesday, finished or not...
Just discovered that the boyo has no suitable swimming trunks for school swimming lessons tomorrow, so am about to make a mad dash for the supermarket in the hopes of finding something...
Hubby got made redundant on Dec 31st, so currently have no income. At all. Woo! What a start to 09.
Christmas was fab! Lots of family fun, food, booze and nice presents. Got so many DVDs that it may take me til next Christmas to watch them all, and a bit after that to read all the books I was given...
Baby girl got roller skates. Complete with full set of pads and helmet. Three year old on wheels. Enough said.
Grandad is still doing well. Still incredibly frail, but getting about a bit now. We managed to head off the remarkably well meaning, but ever so slightly dim social worker, and now just have the district nurse coming in once a week to check that he is looking after himself.
New year was a fun party. Lots of dancing, and good company.
Hubby only been at home for one day, and is driving me nuts already. I can quite see why loss of a job could drive people to drink, or divorce...
More later, and perhaps some pictures!
new year,