Daily Tweets

Mar 15, 2009 01:05

  • 12:46 @ gilmae I know that scam. we have to pay £25 just to watch our own daughter perform #
  • 14:31 @ Gert don't worry, its the old lose in the league when it don't matter trick - so we can beat em in the cup (or cups) #
  • 15:39 livi are 1 up against league leaders - griffith #
  • 15:49 would anyone have picked italy to win? HT and the welsh are 9-7 down #6nations #
  • 16:35 wow, italy back into the lead! #6nations #
  • 21:30 @ stephenpglenn yes, but don't forget livi 1 st.johnstone 0 ending their unbeaten record! oh and ireland beat scotland or something #
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