Mar 14, 2009 01:05
- 10:11 #rnd these red noses don't get any more comfortable over the years do they ? #
- 10:15 RT @bitful: wishing the www a happy 20th! #
- 10:18 @ marcnobbs first time for me. using twitter makes events lots more interesting doesn't it ? #
- 11:58 RT @dotSno: Local shops are dying in the UK. Use your local shops, while you still can. Great video to RT! #
- 17:34 @ doctorvee cheap sounding keyboards are my favourite type of keyboard #
- 17:37 @ chapwithwings ah CoFD, now that was a proper DW RND event - 2 mins of an ep that's coming out anyway ? not proper #
- 23:29 sleep over here - and astonishingly it is all quiet #
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