Mar 22, 2009 10:16
I have stuff I want to write about, but I'm currently drowning in work that is tricky and boring and freaking me out. [meta-data, master/slave, debian packages, Boolean, instantiated, Ubuntu, libmemcached, Perl, insert statements, incrementing] Gah! Please wish me luck this week: A huge mountain of editing must be done, and done well, before I can really come up for air.
Thank goodness I got to see some friends last night! My people are beautiful, clever, and indispensable.
Happy spring to everyone. It's so gorgeous outside-wet and overcast but with blasts of sunshine breaking through. The boys are planning to work on Lucas's latest brilliant idea: a chess board and pieces made from all recycled materials. Gotta love those Waldorf kids. "I want something. I'll make it!"