Nov 05, 2008 09:51
What I want to know is, why is it OK for people in other states to donate money to back CA propositions. Shouldn't we have a rule that says if your money doesn't originate in CA, you don't get a say in CA elections?
There is part of me that wants to shield our children from all the fighting and hate-mongering and bad shit in our world. Sometimes I feel that because Lucas is too young to have his own opinion, he doesn't need to be thinking about this election stuff yet. But his growing awareness of issues is not something we can control. He will observe and learn from everything around him. So I feel it is better that he be very clear about what we believe and value. We must model goodness and fairness, lawful behavior and tolerance.
When we explained Proposition 8 in terms of "fairness," Lucas's eyes lit up and he burned with his typical choleric fire. Fairness is a concept that is VERY important to a 6-year-old.
What I want my sons to learn in school and everywhere they go is that people are people, that their equal treatment under the law is more important that anything an old book of mythology or a religious leader has to say, and that liberty and justice is FOR ALL, not just for some. Proposition 8 proponents used our children as a pin in their argument. But I can too: Prop 8 should have been defeated for all our sakes, even our children’s, because fairness matters.
I am also deeply disturbed by the ban on gay adoption that has passed in Arkansas. I guess it is Arkansas and should be expected there, but still. Probably this ban exists elsewhere, too, but I don’t know. I just don’t understand how we can deny kids the loving parents they deserve, and deny loving parents the children they desire, when clearly there is so much need in the world.
I’m not sorry I blew raspberries at the Yes on 8 people; I am only sorry that Lucas saw me do it.
My happiness over Obama's win is greatly muffled today by California's obvious bigotry.
family values,