Episode Notes: Riptide "The Mean Green Love Machine"

Oct 25, 2006 23:41

I got to watch and take notes on a Riptide episode tonight. This is a *delightful* episode offering many wonderful things--Cody and Nick scared for Murray. Stalwart Murray withstanding torture to keep Cody and Nick safe. Murray's hands! And everyone's as gorgeous as always!

This may be the first batch of screencaps I've gotten from a Riptide episode that *didn't* include one of Nick smiling. He's just a little grim in this episode. ::pets Nick:: Maybe he and Cody had a fight or something.

Notes on watching: The Mean Green Love Machine

--Eeee! Happy Time Music! God this show is so much fun! Eeeee! Cody's chest and those pretty little muscles at his sides. Mmmmm!

--You know, when I'm watching these episodes to take notes, I'm usually at the Starbucks. I wonder what the other people there make of the goofy little happy smile on my face while I'm watching.

--I've always wanted to have a bead curtain like at the door of the cantina in my house. Of course, since I've been an adult I've always had cats and Cats + Bead Curtain = Disaster. But someday we won't have cats (what with Abner and I both being allergic to them) and then maybe I can get a bead curtain. :)

--So Lane's final payment is his wife?? That's horrible. On the other hand, I totally suspect her of being in collusion with the bad guys. Of course her husband doesn't suspect her. Basically he winds out looking like a pussy-whipped doofus throughout the whole episode. Sigh!

--So all of the peple in this town are watching but never say *anything* about what's going on?? So apparently the whole town is full of skeezers.

--Yay, they got the Roboz probrammed to get the pelican off the boat. Boz only fed the pelican twice, because he's cute. :) (Boz and the pelican both!)

--Okay, more boat geography here. The "main deck" in the rear is off the wheelhouse and above, I think the salon. This is the deck that has the chairs and table on it and appears to be their main outdoor hang out. Below that and to aft is a lower chunk of deck that, apparently, has a door that goes to the salon or the galley. NOt directly though--immediately inside that door appear to be stairs down. Further aft from that, and down another short flight of stairs, is the fantail. I think. Or maybe this one with the door to the stairs that lead to the galley is the fantail. In any case, I think the one with the door is the one that's *over* Nick and Cody's room.

--Wait they're talking about someone going "up to" LA. If they're in Redondo, then LA's just right there. No going up to necessary. There seems to be some geographical confusion on the part of the writers.

--I love the nice tight shorts Cody and Nick are wearing, though I'm still not in love with that Hawaiian shirt on Nick. The olive shirt looks kinda drab on Cody, particularly after that gorgeous teal in Hatchet Job.

--"We don't mind being second choice, do we, big guy?" Hee! Love Cody calling Nick "big guy".

--Murray's so excited about going to Mexico! He's so adorable.

--So why does Nick look bigger than Cody to me? I mean he's not really that much bigger. But in my mind he's much--not taller, but bulkier. And it just doesn't appear to be *true*

--Why does it always seem like Cody's looking at Nick's mouth? :)

--I do like Mama Jo a lot and I'm gonna miss her, I think.

--Hey, it's possible that Didi went from gold-digger to happily if modestly married. My cousin was sort of a gold-digger at one point and totally fell in love with a middle class guy and gave up her jet-setting, flying to Greece for a weekend, lifestyle.

--"Maybe she fell in love, Nick, it does happen." "Yeah, I heard that rumor once. I think." ::Pets Nick:: ::Pets him again, because, umm, yeah:: Poor Nick, he looks so forlorn. Did they have a fight or something? Or maybe they haven't gotten together yet, despite the fact that they seem so incredibly married.

--Murray looks so cute showing off what he found!

--Did I Just hear Nick saying "Please just let this thing get off the ground one more time"? Man, normally he's more confident in the Mimi than that. I suppose travelling in her saves on air travel. And makes it possible for them to bring the guns, which a commercial flight wouldn't have allowed. And to bring along a room full of Murray's computers. Okay. I suppose it does make sense.

--Love the Roboz tied to the top of the taxi. :)

--Lane's doing a pretty convincing job of someone with the DTs here.

--So why did they take Brandi to Mexico with them? She doesn't look like she's got two brain cells to rub together. And, indeed, doesn't appear to have contributed anything once they got there.

--What was that quacking type noise when Nick was running after Lane? Not that it matters, he's awfully pretty when he's moving like that.

--Eeeee!! Nick's patting Cody's chest!

--I was sort of feeling sorry for the bartender with his "No hablo engles", until he starts talking English. :) I love Nick being all tough and threatening to trash the saloon. Just on account of the pretty. :)

--Who's this girl with the Bad Guy? She's just being eye-candy as far as I can tell, but it's not Didi.

--I actually kind of like Lane's hut on the beach. I mean it's not very civilized but it seems like such a wonderful environment. If only it was a nicer little hut on the beach.

--Murray looks so disappointed when they don't want him to stand guard. So cute!

--Nick just wants to check on his partner despite the dude with the gun--because, see, Cody could be *hurt*. God that's sweet! Those two are so in love (even if Nick doesn't know it yet)! Eeeee!!

--Brandi: "Who are those people?" (who just beat up Cody and abducted her father). Answer--Bad Guys, ya daft cow! I suppose she wants more detail than that.

--Murray's being all upset about the possibility of the girl crying again. ;) He's so adorable!

--Brandi's admitting that she dated both of them. And Nick does *not* look happy!

--"Look can we get past the Dear John portion of this thing." Jesus's cody's pretty!

--It's so cute that while Cody and Murray are talking about the case, Nick's being all domestic and unpacking their suitcases for them. Eeee! And we know from other episodes that he cooks as well! Eee!

--Murray's dead on about the Saspathrilla sounding disgusting. It sounds vile! Cody describes it as a "mule-kicking awful drink", so cute.

--Oh, God and Nick's so *freaking* jealous to find out about all these women. His (not quite?) boyfriend's been going out with all of these women and he didn't know about it. He's just freaking out. So maybe this episodes where he gets the clue that he wants to have more with Cody than just a friendship. He's seriously in the land of denial, it seems.

--"I feel like an extra in To Have and Have Not", Hee!!, A Bogart film reference!! One of the producers or script-writers of this show must be a Bogie fan!!

--Cody's shooting tequila, with the lime and licking the hands and everything. That's surprisingly sexy. I mean OMG! Unfortunately, the screencaps can't convey how sexy Cody licking his hand and biting the lime is. But I did my best--and I had to watch over and over again to make sure I got the best frames. ;)

--Hey, Nick did 90 days for slugging Quinlan???? Wait, wait. OMG there's such a fic in that! There *must* be! Surely, surely someone's written about this.

--"No, man, I'm a sophisticate. I don't drool. I stutter."

--See, she does appear to be in cahoots with the bad guys. Though now I'm wondering if she's being pimped out or something. Maybe she's a victim not a cahooter. (Random neuron firing--but she does have nice cahooters. Sorry, sorry, sorry!)

--The bad guys have a watch mynah?

--Oh, God, please let Nick and Cody kiss in front of the arbor--they were so close!! Poop!

--Cody's getting better at holding a gun. He looks less like a gooch.

--Cody missed getting Didi--oops! But I still suspect that she's working with them.

--Lane's cute in worrying about his wife, but he must realize how impossible it is for them to go back for Didi. He's a bit of an idiot isn't he. I suspect him of having been influenced by her pretty ass.

--Why do they have to steal a car? How did they get up there if they don't have one of their own?

--Heee! Brandy could flap the poofy shoulders on her shirt and fly away. So 80s!

--Nick and Cody drinking tea together. :)

--Murray's so cute when they agree to let him be the bait. :)

--Love them getting rid of the rich guy Didi was cozying up to by scaring the hell out of him! (And boy does this actor look familiar.)

--They're trying to lure some woman with Murray?? Well, he's adorable, so that should work. But their rich guy outfit for him is oy! Whoever gave the cravat should be shot! Wait, Murray picked his own rich guy outfit. He's playing a rich guy and his glasses are still taped up!! :) :) How did he come to have these rich guy clothes with him?? Maybe they went to a Mexican thrift shop or something.

--Oh, Lord they're giving Murray the *worst* lines. And confusing him. *Wince* Sigh, Murray! Ouch!! Ouch!! But Nick just called him an attractive guy. Sweet! And such a sweet smile!

--Cody's giving him much better lines than Nick is. Nick's feeding him skeezy obvious pickup lines. I mean a limbo contest? Honestly Nick!! And now Murray's getting pissed off. On the other hand, I'm still in the Starbucks and now I'm laughing out loud. They probably think I'm an axe murderer too. :)

--Nick and Cody are so *cute* after they manage to get Murray and Didi hooked up!

--Murray doesn't have sex on his mind?? Sweet! And he looks so embarrassed at the idea.

--Oh, she's eating those shrimp like she's in Tom Jones.

--Oh, God the hand thing, and Murray's just falling for it so hard and his eyes are glazing over. I wish I could screencap her caressing his hand and absolutely melting his brains. That's so *hot*. But why is he falling for the gold-digger? God he's got such *pretty* lips! Such fantasies I could have--or Cody, or Nick! :)

--Okay Murray is falling for Didi, but he's still with it enough to ask about why she's picking up men in bars when she's still married to Lane Preston. Go Murray!!

--Murray's just spilled the beans. Oh, dear! And I still suspect that she's cahooting. But he looks awesome, even with the stupid cravat.

--Oh, I love Nick and Cody walking along and being so worried about Murray! Nick's so worried he's biting his thumbnails. Cody: "I like that little guy with the computers and the funny smile." Nick: "Yeah, so do I. Don't worry we're gonna find him."

--Wow. That's a nice shot! Jinkies, Murray's cute. Someone needs to trim out the cahooting bimbo and put in Cody or Nick. :)

--There we go, definite cahootitude.

--Now the bad guys have Murray. And they're beating him up. Ook!! Ook! I know Murray is an adrenaline junkie and likes being in the rough and tumble of things, but I hate seeing him getting beaten up.

--Eee! I love how stalwart Murray's being! He's absolutely not going to bend and tell the Bad Guy where Nick and Cody are. "You can kill me, but I've got nothing to say to you."

--Why didn't they put a tracer on Murray?? Of course he might have gotten rid of that too.

--Oh, I hate Murray being tortured in a weight room. But he's got like 400+lbs hanging from his wrists and he's being so...swoon! God he's wonderful. He doesn't know it yet (IMO) but he's so in love!

--Cody's just pushing buttons and flipping switches on Murray's equipment at random isn't he. ;) No wonder it stops working for him.

--God Cody's a completely exposed target in the door of the Mimi like that. He's lucky he didn't get shot.

--Okay, Cody's looking better with a handgun, but he still looks like a big dork carrying a semi-automatic.

--What happened to Brandi? I guess they left her at the hotel. It's not like she was the slightest damned bit of use!

--Hey, did Didi really just drive off and leave her sugar daddy beind? There's no honor among theives. No, just as bad--the sugar daddy drove off and left Didi behind.

--Yay, Nick got the Bad Guy!!

--Come on Cody, give Murray a little hug when you rescue him. He was sacrificing himself for you and Nick!! Okay, no hug, but we do get a couple of pats. It's not much hurt/comfort, but it's *something*. Sigh.

If this little interlude were in a Starsky & Hutch episode that post-torture comfort would have looked more like this instead:

--Wait, Cody's "rescuing" Didi?? Oh, no, they're taking her into custody like they did with the Sugar Daddy. Right.

--Hey the doberman's biting Cody?? I guess he's okay, though. Bummer. I want some hurt/comfort. Man TPTB totally drop the ball on this sort of thing on this show. One of the dogs jumped right into the Mimi, ouch!

--What happened to the Mimi overheating? Did Nick have time to fix it before Cody and Murray got back?

--They're like "brothers"? That's pretty much the kiss of death from a pretty chick. At least Brandi's got the sense to see that it would be horribly wrong for her to come between them.

--Neither Nick nor Cody wants the other one kissing her. Hee!

--Nick's resting his head on Cody's shoulder. So sweet!

--Cody and Murray are obviously crushed by the fact that Nick won't be making a play for Brandi. God, that's cute! Not a great screencap, though, sorry! So does Nick *still* think he's straight at this point. Damn!

--Arouette's right--*all* the episodes are super slashy!

--So do we get fic of Cody taking care of Murray (after his torture) while Nick's off at Reserves? Please!!! *big bambi eyes* Answer: Yes, but it's not online. :) So do we get a sequel with a happy ending??

All Riptide screencaps are my own. Feel free to use them however you like, but if you do please let me know, just because it's exciting to know there's someone else out there interested in the show. The Starsky & Hutch screencap is from Cindy's Starsky & Hutch Screencaptures.

Anyone want to consider exploring the world of Starsky & Hutch with me? I don't want to go there by myself. (Big scary world.) For the reason why I'm interested you have to click the cut-tag. :)

screencaps, episode notes, riptide

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