Mar 10, 2006 02:40
No. I don't watch soaps. It's been a while I know. Stuff has happened both good and bad. More good than bad I hope. HOPE. I'm not too sure though. Stuff just has never come easy for me. For instance, about a week ago I find out THROUGH MY MOTHER that I'm fired for being disorganized and sick too much. Linda said a lot of things about me that really hurt and it was low of her not even to call me. BTW That's the Brother Bryan Mission in Alabama. Don't give!!! Anyway, so I'm supposed to train this kid that's also a resident with very rich parents. The fix was in folks. It wasn't my doing that got me fired. It was parents of a snot nosed, porn loving, rap playing Kazaa using brat that caused it all. And yes. I found all that stuff on the mission's compy Wendsday. BTW while training this kid, I have the WORST infection thanks to the mission overspraying for bugs the week before! Anyway, he went out to lunch and I flip on the CD player being bored as all heck. Suddenly, I'm being cursed out! F4ck and b#tch in ten seconds of rapping!!! My mouth drops and I call all this to Linda's attention. She is pissed at the kid. Duh. I get on the compy and start looking for stuff. I find it. Already he had downloaded three very offensive songs off Kazaa (ILLEGAL!!!) and do I even need to mention that 60 percent of the files on there have viruses!? Guess what genius did two days into the training? He deleated the anti-virus program, the pop-up blocker and the cookie remover from the compy!! Claimed that there was another program on there that did that and pointed to McAffe. It's on there alright and it hasn't been updated IN OVER A YEAR!!! Well, I fixed that, downloaded all the progs again, deleated Kazaa and did a general search for all pictures on that computer. Granted, compared to the guy before me and his child-porn. This was Sunnybrook Farm innocent. He had already downloaded six pictures. Five were of pretty girls in pretty outfits. The last one was of a chick in panties and a middrift tank top reaching under the top and fondeling herself! I called Linda in. She was SOOOOoooo pissed at him. I was convinced that I would be able to work there until I found something else. Not so. Today I call Linda to tell her how bad sick I actually am (I swear I am a human medicine cabinent right now!!!) and she tells me not to come in on Monday. I bout facefault right there in the pharmacy! For mummy and daddy's money she chooses PORN BOY over me!!! I'm pissed at her. Quite pissed. My consience is totally clear when it comes to that place though. I did right by those men. I just hate that porn boy will now run the place into the ground. As for me and money? Yeah, I'm worried but not as much as I should be. I really haven't let this get me down. I'm gonna apply to Lifeway as soon as my hose turns back into a nose. My pastor knows people there. BIG people there. Also, I'm not EVER going to go into clerical work again. I'm not detailed. I admit that. I had to work really hard to get all the nit-picky details right. Sometime, I messed up. Big deal. I did learn a lot there and a quite proud of myself for going through that mission with that boss, Linda Hartley with my sanity and self-esteem intact. When she was in a bad mood, she did her best to tear me down. I know I'll be ok. I've got federal coming in really soon and I'll just scrip and save with that money. I'm willing to take about anything but a fastfood job right now. I can look for something better once I have some income rolling in. I know God is gonna take care of me. I have a huge peace about all this. lol I'm still not going in to pick up my last check though. I called the mission and told em to mail it!
In other news, I have a rather serious boyfriend. I really, really love being with him. He's almost ten years older than me but he's oriental so he does NOT look it. I just love his big, brown eyes and that shiny hair! lol. One of my church member thinks quote: "He's such a doll!" Still haven't let him forget that! This boyfriend is Jason who I mentioned in an earlier entry. I think I am soooo totally falling for him. I mean, yeah it's great that he's nice and stable and already pretty financially established but what really impressed me was how considerate he is. When I first met him, we were at an anime viewing. I like to cook and thus cooked for the thing. Well, after a couple of months Jason comes up to me and hands me a 20 to reimburse me for all the food I was buying! I was VERY impressed. Also, almost constantly for the last two months I have been badly sick. First mono, now this! Needless to say I wasn't kissable. lol He took such good care of me. Cuddled me, made sure my head was supported so I could breathe, when I had chills, he overheated himself making sure that I was warm enough. Lol. I think I'm falling. He's really smart, a computer tech person. He even built me a compy! I still owe him for the parts though. lol. He makes me feel really special. He's even started to come to church with me on Sunday nights! I think this one's a keeper!
I'm still getting along swimmingly with my anime friends. Those guys are wonderful, really. It's so nice to have friends my age! My parents have been cool about the whole thing especially when they found out Linda is a two-faced b9tch and a liar.
In other, OTHER news, I am HIGHLY amused that the church burners were all from dear old Birmingham Southern. I laughed for a good twenty mins on that one! BSC screwed me over folks. I'm laughing at the bad press the school is getting not the smoldering churches. I hate how most places these days have an unwritten rule that you don't tell negitive things about the school. It really sucks that they can get away with that.
ANYWAY, I'm ok. Really, I am. This whole Brother Bryan thing has only made me stronger. God has a plan for me. I can't wait to find out what it is!