Mar 19, 2007 20:07
the past few days have been full of highs and lows. i woke up on sunday at 8:30 and stayed in bed for another hour and a half, thinking everything through and sorting everything out in my mind. because even though i know people have problems that make my problems seem so small, "miniscule" doesn't even begin to describe them, at the time i was feeling very selfish. luckily, that selfishness has passed, and i'm okay (as my icon indicates). isn't it weird how some things seem really bad when they're hypothetical situations, but are never as bad as you thought they would be when they actually happen? that was a horribly worded sentence. oh well. anyway, yeah, after much cheesy soul-searching, i've realized that in spite of many regrets, i am happy with the past and can be happy for other people. i've been luckier than some people and have resolved not to tiptoe into romance in the future.
okay. enough of that. sorry for the cryptic stuff.
cue weird poem i wrote at the literary magazine conference! (background info: the guy gave us a poem in german and we had to "translate" it based only on how the words sounded to us, i guess to give us weird ideas for other poems of ours? by the way, it's much better if you read this aloud.)
the sicilian lied by sara bradshaw
here schmoozes august!
when here-there winks,
is fallen house in,
is fallen static;
a diesel lemon
warps my heinz--
bedonk dock my animal--
die, salty night fallen!
if anyone cares, the real poem is by goethe, and it's actually a lovely poem that i completely butchered.