Title: Bella and her Coat of Many Colours
Characters: Nymphadora Tonks, Remus Lupin, untold numbers of cubs, and Bellatrix Lestrange
Rating: PG, I suppose, for use of real fur.
Disclaimer: None of the characters herein belong to me, all are JKR's, who is nice enough to let us play in her sandbox.
What: Well...
ragdoll and I got into a... discussion... on
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I'm sure we've both pissed off hoardes of Multicoloured Werewolf Cubbies unhappy but...yes!
I'll definitely meet up for dinner! Gallifrey is still up in the air, unfortunately.
Hee, I'm glad I could brighten your day. *laughs* Hopefully it'll push Feb in a better direction. *knocks on wood*
One day down, 27 to go! So yeah. Of course, I'll probably be crucified by some R/T fans somewhere just for mocking them (as will you) but sometimes you just have to have a sense of humour about stuff! (and it beats talking about Dan Radcliffe's cock!)
I just get so tired of puppy shippers (hee, almost wrote "puppy shitters") and anyone, really, who takes any ship to that cutesy level should be fed to the giant squid. And besides, like I said in my map of the fandom, we all have to be able to laugh at ourselves. Some people definitely take this fandom waaaaay too seriously.
My biggest issues with the ship is that my main girl Tonks turned into a total pussy. She just... withered away. What the hell? Seriously a WTF moment for me.
Ahem. But anyway... I'm prepared for my crucifixion. I've got some Arby's and a Snickers in case hunger strikes, plus a frowny face to put on the notice above my head.
It'll be awesome.
I have issues with Veela!Draco or Vamp!Snape, for sure. As for the Ron is Dumbledore theory... I actually know one of the creators of that theory IRL (though we all enjoy her cheerful enthusiasm - and she doesn't have any problem with people who disagree with their theory. We all tease her at HPLA meetups). ;D Hee.
And yeah, my issue with Remus/Tonks isn't that it happened, it's just how it got written. Actually, I wrote a fic to try to fill in the gaps: Fractured (it's less than 2000 words, so it's a quick read). *laughs* Look at me, pimping myself out.
If you get the hammer and nails, I'll pick up the wood and the Roman soldiers.
I have issue with Veela!Draco too. Forgot about him. *shudders* The Dumbledore as Ron one is actually less heinous than some of the others imho.
Ive maintained from the beginning that if R/T was done well in canon, I'd have no problem with it. Hell, I was all for Harry/Ginny and I didn't like the way that came about either but R/T just...gah. I'm also not big on Bill/Fleur although I just resigned myself to it a long time ago. Even the big hospital scene didn't make me suddenly like her, unfortunately. Personally, I'm hoping for a big Boda de Sangre with Bill ripping her throat out in a frenzied attack of wolfishness. ;) But I am evil...
Oooh! I'm so there! :)
But yeah, there's a huge biphobia in real life, and I think it bleeds over into the fandom. But the best thing to do is to keep speaking out and making realistically bi characters, right? :D
We can keep hoping. I dislike Fleur primarily because she is everything I hate about stereotypes that people believe about the French. As a francophile, well, I'm sure you can understand my apoplexy.
Veela Princess Barbie - YES. That's it exactly. Oh gods.
Perhaps we should just call HBP The Book of Out of Character Behaviour. *grins*
Hee -- I love Barbie as a rule but that's what Fleur reminds me of - one of the scary Princess dolls in yards of pink tulle with no personality (other than annoying...)
WOOT! I'm all for that one.
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