More Rumors. (Another load of bull)

Aug 16, 2008 19:21

I heard that there are some rumors floating around on youtube for a while. I don’t even know where to begin. It’s so crazy that I can’t believe that someone would actually believe this!

I was on the Everlasting Friends blog. And I saw that someone was saying there were rumors of Donghae floating around that got someone really pissed off. I didn’t know what the rumors were so I read the comments to see if someone had posted saying what the rumors were. And the first person said that she knew what the rumor was. She said that there is this one youtube user that is going all around youtube saying that Lee Donghae raped her friend. Go here if you wish to see the comments for yourself.

I’m going to say it out right now that’s a load of crap!

If you look at the facts you’ll see how Donghae can not have been the guy who “raped” her friend.

1. Donghae does not have that personality. He’s the kind of guy that would protect a girl’s personal space.
2. Donghae has not been to the US recently. (The youtube user is saying that she’s from America.) The only Super Junior members that have been to the US this year are Super Junior T and Yesung. Besides if Donghae had gone to the US some time a Chinese ELF would have spotted him leaving his living quarters because they camp out right in front of their house which prevents Super Junior M from going anywhere.
3. And let’s say that he did, hypothetically speaking of course, rape the girl. What are the chances of the girl being a girl that knew exactly who he was? Super Junior may be popular in the US but not that popular that every single girl in the US knows him and the rest of the members.

If you try to deny these facts then I will clearly help you get it through to your head and say that Donghae did not rape any girl!

This girl seems to be living in an imaginary world. If this friend really does exist then why doesn’t she come out and say it herself instead of having her friend say it? If someone really did rape her then that’s what she should do. But our Donghae did not rape anyone.

I believe in our Donghae, he is not the type of guy to do something like this. If he likes someone he doesn’t go ahead and do anything. He is the type of guy to try and get close to them by getting to know them first.

If you’re a fan of Super Junior or if you’re a fan of Donghae’s, you should believe in Donghae and believe that nothing like that is happening at all. When I heard this in my mind I was like “WTF is this crap?” I don’t believe it one bit.

If you’re one of the people who are going around asking if it’s true and you’re an ELF be it official or unofficial, I highly suggest that you quit using the title “ELF”. If you don’t believe in the people you support then you have no right to call yourself an ELF or a fan for that matter.

super junior, newsflash, rumors, donghae

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