Kibum Rumors going around (Which is complete bull)

Aug 15, 2008 18:44

I hate it when there are rumors like this float around. Especially when everyone believes in them! This rumor has been floating around for a while and I refused to believe it. I believe in Kibum. I suggest that you do the same too. If you really believe in Super Junior you would believe in Kibum. Rumors were saying that Super Junior’s Kim Kibum is leaving Super Junior.


Kim Kibum is not leaving Super Junior. Just because he is into his acting more than singing does not mean he is leaving. He’s had so many memories from being in Super Junior so why would he leave? Acting is just his priority right now.

Even if some members are not actively in the music entertainment does not mean that they will be quitting the group. Kibum has been with the team from the start and is not going to stop halfway. He will finish the job until the very end. He always does.

On August 15, 2008 Kibum announced, after being ambushed by a group of ELFs asking him if he really is going to quit, "Who [ever] thinks that I am going to quit Super Junior, is [someone] who has never trusted me and never given me a chance." (quote credit to asianfanatics)

I think that Kibum is disappointed that the fans don’t believe in him and make assumptions based on other things. If you’re a fan you should trust the person you’re a fan of not listen to other people talk bull crap. If anything happens all you need to do is believe in the members.

When I heard this rumor for the first time I denounced it right away. I didn’t believe in any of that crap. I’m fed up with it now. I was speaking to my friend about this and she can testify saying that I was a solid believer in Kim Kibum.

If I were in Kibum’s shoes I would be so disappointed in my fans. How can the people who support you so much not believe in them?

Edit: August 16,2008
"After the spreding of this rumor, Kibum himself [is] now feel awkward. He [spoke] out to clear this misunderstanding that he'd never think about leaving his friends and his band. [His] acting career is a chance that he must catch up [in] but he also [will] try to cover both singing career and acting one."

This quote came from here.

Look. See? Kibum has now stated that he will never think of leaving the group. This is the same for the other members as well. If another rumor like this comes up I hope these "wavering" fans will remember what Kim Kibum has said. None of the Super Junior members will leave. They've created a bond that is unbreakable by any means.

super junior, newsflash, kibum, rumors

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