~ Random Whatever ~ Life, Hobbies, and Fandom

May 25, 2009 13:04

My brain is filled with too much anime and manga xD I'm trying to balance my life, hobbies and different types of fandoms recently . . .

==== LIFE ====
- My dad and bro plan on moving in the province soon. I just said I'll be sad for not having any "enemies" around, but in reality I don't want them to go 'coz I'll miss them ^^;
- I treated momz to lunch and to a movie yesterday. I like hanging out with her, and it was my first time treating my momz. I dunno, it jsut makes me happy xD Hehe.
- I forgot a friend's birthday. I know it's around May 20+ but I feel ashamed for not remembering exactly when . . . we've been friends since 6th grade o_o;;;;
- Hopefully my hangout with college friends this coming Saturday will push through ^_^
[ WORK ]
- I can't find my cabinet's keys o_o;;;; Here I go again. I hope I'll be able to find it at home tonight
- Officemates have a plan to watch Up in imax this coming Friday. I hope it'll push through. I wanna go *_*

==== HOBBIES ====
Believe it or not, this was my addiction in 5th grade xD I also did a big project of it . . . it was an anime character though (Hiei from Yuyu Hakusho) but still, it was big, and I hope it was framed *_* Now I dunno where it is x_x Anywayz, I miss doing crossstitch so I prepare danother big project again. This time my pattern is a pegacorn *_*
I finally found a unicorn stuff toy that won't cost me more than 500 pesos xD But it didn't look that pretty though. There were two designs, both around 200 pesos. One is badly made, but the other's pretty decent. I'm definitely buying it or both *_* I want unicorns *_*
The book I'm supposed to be reading is Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norell by Susanna Clarke. But I put it on hold because I've been so slow in reading it (not to mention I'm still overwhelmed on its thickness . . .and heaviness) that I feel that I'm not making any progress ^^;
- So I started another novel which is Stravaganza: City of Masks by Mary Hoffman. I already have the trilogy, even though I only started reading the first book right now ^^; Ehehehe. But they were all on bargain! I would highly regret not buying them in a cheaper price if I ended up loving the first book xD Hehe. And oh how could I not like a book with historical fiction (mainly on Italy) and fantasy (has a winged horse *_*)
[ ART ]

- I just remembered that I haven't displayed that pic in my journal yet xD Haha. with the Red VS Blue thing in Sengoku Basara, I can't stop imagining them as Hetalia's Revolutionary War strip xD Hehe.
- I'll try to catch up on my many many pending art plans ^^; Ehehehe . . .

==== FANDOM ====
- I've FINALLY seen ANGELS AND DEMONS and IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!! I FREAKIN' LOVE IT!!!! I DON'T CARE IF CRITICS GAVE IT A C+! FOR ME IT'S AN A!!!!! I KNOW THEY CAN'T RUIN A BOOK THAT IS JUST TOO AWESOME! xD I like Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon, he made Robert more entertaining xD Vittoria's okay. EWAN MCGREGOR IS SO HOTT! And oh I love the angel statues. Architecture on cathedrals/churches. Gruesome deaths. The symmetry. Science and religion controversies. OMG special effects. And oh I love it that there wasn't exactly any romance in the film xD YAAAAY!!!! I FREAKIN' LOVE IT!!!!!
I am watching so many anime, much more to those I'm putting on-hold. But the ones I'm most updated to recently are those that I cover at my other blog ^^;
I am behind so many manga yet I've also been checking out many new ones x_x I have been posting new manga discoveries at the New Flavors section at my other blog. There are actually more than 20 titles that are waiting to be featured there o_o;;;;
I have almost 5 new jdrama waiting to eb watched ^^; I'm also eyeing on some kdrama series. Also asian movies. And I also need to finish Bloody Monday and Liar Game soon. Aaaahhh x_x
Gaaahh . . . I need to watch the last episode of Castle already! And I also have to catch up on Legend of the Seeker. I need to finish Heroes too. And I have like 10+ titles waiting to be watched ^^: Ehehehe

animals, status, diary, family, barkada, young adult novels, novels, my works, fandom

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