Oh this is simply sweet *_* I love pics of Arthur and his baby boys *_*
Alright, I can't watch tonight because my parents have been yelling at me about my laptop being too hot T_T So I can only watch in peace if they're not around, which is tomorrow. However, I am going somewhere, so I won't be at home around lunch time either ^^; Hopefully in the afternoon until early night time I could catch up *five series to post . . . eeeep*
but anywayz, since I can't watch at the moment, I still made some posts.
= I made a the
not-so-fangurly version post of Arthur and Kiku's songs xD Together with links and stuff. Hehe.
= I have also made a
preview of Hetalia episode 18. I hope I'm wrong about the epic episode's continuation not being on that episode >_>;;; but well, we'll only know for sure once we get to hear the audio, which will most likely be around tomorrow morning *_*
= I have so many new manga and here's finally one that I've checked out recently:
Akaboshi. I think shounen fans may like it ^_^
My new mangas are scattered in different folders that even I am getting confused x_x I need to organize them x_x Eeeepp . . .. but oh with this many new manga, I think I can post on the "New Flavors" section everyday x_x
oh maaaan . . . . making me sleep this early T_T stupid curfew. Well, I'll catch up tomorrow on posts and replies and stuff ^^;