~ Hetalia Fever ~ Lovely Stuff from the Missing Pages (Gilbo Centric)

May 03, 2009 09:38

I was tagged with the character meme again, but with my second top Hetalia fave and by yamikakyuu this time:

This is seriously one of his most gorgeous pics out there xD (most of the time he looks crack or badass xD)

Gilbert Weillschmidt aka Prussia of Axis Powers Hetalia

01 → Do you like this character?
Like? No! I LOVE him xD
02 → What name/s do you call this character?
Gilbo (because calling him by his country/hetalia name will be something that some people might find awkward ^^; And "Gilbo" is cuter and more amusing compare to "Gilbert" xD Haha! Not to mention it's shorter to type too xD)
03 → What image/color do you associate with character?
Chicks . . . albino bunny . . . bwahahahahah xD Also the color black . . and blue . . . and perhaps green too because his blog was in green xD 04 → What image-song do you associate with character?
Can't think of any song in particular, but punkass rock music suits him xD
05 → What blood-type do you think this character is?
O? or AB? I have no idea
06 → Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?
ELIZAVETA!!!!!!! It's my one-sided OTP!!! xD It's also fun to see him with Arthur and Roderich xD His siblings moments with Ludwig are cute too xD Also old man Fritz, he's proud of loving that guy so much xD And I think it's very fun to see him around the Italian brothers xD Hehe
07 → What would you want to say to this character?
08 → What do you want to do with this character:
09 → Please choose 5 friends with your choice of character.
Nah, already did this. Unless you want to or want more. I'll give you a character ^_^
[ EXTRA ] I knew it.! Even if Gilbo acts manly and all, he's fond of adorable stuff xD That's why he was buying stuff toys (the pandas) and had a chick sidekick and he had fun touching/poking cute people (like Raivis)

Feliciano is no exception. Feliciano's one of the most adorable Hetalia characters in the series xD He's freakin' glompable, and Gilbo absolutely knows that xD *points pic on the right* LOLz!!!!!

Gilbo's usually tough, mean and arrogant around other nation-tans, but when it comes to the cute types, he huggles them xD ROFLz!!!!

I badly wanna see how he handles Lovino. He's also adorable but difficult. Antonio was able to see and appreciate his cute side; I wonder how Gilbo will do it xD Haha!

I also just realized that Feliciano's actually pretty close to nation-tans that molest cuddle him o_O Like Francis for instance xD Haha! I guess he's not the type to hate others. Oh that makes him even more lovable xD

manga scans, hetalia, meme, bishie

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