I have so many TV series and there are loads more I want to check out but for now I can only keep up with Supernatural (which is my number one favorite tv series of all times xD Ohohohoho)
I actually love this episode, but I had to keep it short since . . . I wanna watch more xD Haha
I really liked Sam and Dean's different reactions towards the revelation that they have a younger brother. Dean's . . precautions . . have been so amusingly adorable xD I will never get tired of Sam and Dean brotherly moments as well xD
Adam is likable. I was very touched on what he said when Sam had explained to him their hunting life. When I found out that this episode will be introducing a new Winchester boy, my first reaction was something like "WHAT THE HELL?!" but now that I've seen the episode, I really liked the story and am very impressed on the plot twist. I totally didn't expect that. That was awesome.
Haha! As usual, when Dean got in trouble, my reactions were like "How could you be so stupid, Dean! Be safe! Get outta there! And beat him! Win!!! Aaaaahhh!!!!" and when Sam's in trouble my reactions were like: "Where the hell are you Dean?! Save Sammy already! Aaaaaahhhh!!!!" and while I was fangurling my brother assures me: "Don't worry, sis. They're main characters. They won't die! Haha!" I reply with an "I know but . . . I still wanna yell at them! Hahahahha!"
Anywayz, it was a good episode, but I'm a Castiel freak so I'm MUCH MORE excited to see the next episode *_*
HOW DO YOU GUARD YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL? I love that line xD And come on, the question is certainly about Dean and Castiel (Castiel being Dean's guardian angel =3) I WANT IT TO BE DEAN'S TURN TO PROTECT CAS THIS TIME!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE xD
Okayz, I think it will be more centered on Castiel's human vessel (who is also adorable since . . .it's the same actor, LOLz) but I really want Cas back. No new human vessel please ;_;
I saw some episode photos from
here, and plot spoilers from
Any idea how crazy I am about Dean and Cas? xD Haha! I finally have icons of those two ♥
Oh, I just watched
interviews of the trio (Jared, Jensen, and Misha) and the duo (Jared and Misha). I am already aware that Jensen and Jared are professional comedians (LOLz) but I didn't expect Misha to be so crack as well xD LOLz to his being a crap demon and his poem xD Haha!
It's a holiday next Friday, so I will be able to watch the next episode much earlier than usual =3 I am very excited. I think all the Supernatural episodes next month will definitely have Castiel in them. Oh joy xD
Here is a clip of the upcoming episode. Any idea how much I giggled at the sight of a helpless Jimmy/Cas being rescued by Dean (and Sam) xD And Dean calling out Castiel's name like a worried mommy and his WTF face when it was revealed to him that the guy claims he's not Castiel xD OMGSHET ADORABLENESS! I want next episode like crazy *_* And as if Cas will really be gone xD Ohohohoho!!!! Come on ep. 20 *_*