~ Random Whatever ~ AniManga, Books, Supernatural, Stuff, and Italies!

Mar 06, 2009 08:47

Awesome Pandora Hearts anime pic is awesome xD I have been waiting so much for this together with 07-Ghost *_* (Speaking of 07-Ghost, seems that A-Thryst will be subbing it since they released the subbed PV xD Are they fast subbers? I know I will be impatient for 07-Ghost *_* Same with Pandora Hearts! Oh two definite Spring 2009 watches =3)

~ Of course I have watched the latest Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou epsiode xD Actually since Tuesday, but I only thought of talking about it today ^^; Anywayz, it wasn't as entertaining (as in in comedy terms) but it had a very wodnerful and lovely story ^_^ Ah, if I remember it correctly, Nyaanko-sensei had saved Natsume but Natsume hit him for hurting the youkai then Nyaanko-sensei said something like:"You did that when I'm finally acting like a bodyguard". That made em LOL a lot xD Haha. And as usual, Natsume looks soooo cute/handsome/hott *_* Oh I can't wait for next episode. It's seems pretty . . .errr . . intense xD Haha
~ I've been reading the latest Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge chapters (thanks to Yuan for spoiling me xD) AND OMG YES TO SOME CANON KYOUHEI x SUNAKO-ness xD More on Kyouhei-->Sunako as usual . . . but still!!!! Thought I love their crazy interactions, I want some progress somehow. Oh I am very very very very happy =3 I totally cannot wait for what will happen next xD
~ I'm actually already done with the Unicorns! anthology xD I did a review of it at my other blog (title is not yet finalized ^^; And yeah, from now on my somehow decent reviews go there ^_^). It was earlier than I expected. My original plan is to read The Book Thief next but I plan to go book marathon on it during the weekends ^^; So that there'll be no interruptions and stuff. Hehe. So, I decided to read The Little Prince, which is a childhood favorite but I can no longer remember much of its story (except that he's an alien and he loved a flower, period). It's so freakin' short and full of illustrations, so I'm reading it slowly. Half yesterday then I'll finish it today. And as I have expected, it had not failed to amaze me *_*
~ Three episodes left and I'll be done with Supernatural season 3! Among the recent episodes I've seen, I like "Dream a Little Dream of Me" because it's so Dean drama centric xD I also love "Mystery Spot" because it has brotherly love, more on Sam-->Dean. Kyaaa! And "Ghostfacers" is soooo hilarious! Even Same and Dean got included in those ghost hunting geeks xD Bwahaha! I now laugh everytime I hear the term xD Haha!
~ Are vehicle sirens really that loud? (I'm not sure if it was a police car or a fire truck or what) Because, when we were having a meeting on the 18th floor, we can hear them loud and clearly O_O
~ I've heard about it from my online twin and from several communities, but oh watch out for the LJ virus. It sucks that there are jerks who had thought of creating such a thing. It only brings pain to many people ;_;

[ ITALY CHARACTER ALBUM PREVIEW ]Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!!! I thought I have to wait until the 25th just to hear a bit of it but I am soooo happy that there's already a preview available of it as early as now!!! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!
As many have expected, I thought it's just focused on Feliciano, but oh how happy I am that Lovino also had a character song too! Namikawa Daisuke also voices him! He voices both Italies!!!! They are different and fit each character OH THAT SEIYUU IS SO AWESOME! Songs aren't bad and are very IC!!!! NEW SEIYUU IDOL FTW!!!!
As for the songs themselves, Feliciano's song, as I have anticipated, WAS SO ADORABLE! xD It seems fluffy . . . I hear the words "sky" and stuff.
As for Lovino's song, OMGSOHILARIOUS!!!!! I think he mentioned about eating with his brother, and he was yelling "WHAT THE HELL?! KYAAAH! IT'S FRANCE!", then he seems to be cursing him too, then he said something like "Tomatoes are delicious to eat" . . . OVERALL THE TUNE MAKES ME HYPER AND AMUSED!!! OH LOVINO I LOVE YOU!!!!! xD
Oh god . . . this is only the Italies so far and it's already so awesome . . . I wonder how epic the other character albums will be too *_*

hetalia, voice actor, 07-ghost, diary, siblings, episode talk, novels, pandora hearts, plugs, music, shoujo, lj, chapter talk, young adult novels, supernatural, natsume yuujinchou

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