In the world of The Dresden Files, magic is real, along with vampires, demons, spirits, faeries, werewolves, and other mythical monsters. The general public that Harry Dresden works to protect is generally ignorant of magic or the large array of dark forces which regularly conspire against them. This makes it difficult for Harry to get by as a working wizard and private eye. The Chicago PD's Special Investigation unit, led by Sgt. (formerly Lt.) Karrin Murphy, regularly employs Dresden to help solve cases of a supernatural nature. (from Wikipedia)
I have actually finished downloading it (only the first episode) weeks ago but I've only managed to watch it last night ^^; Well, in the first place, I got very interested in it because I obviously love supernatural stuff, and this series having a main character who is a wizard AND a detective is a big plus to me. I am a huge sucker for this kind of stuff. It's somewhat like Supernatural because of the supernatural creature hunting thing, but one of the big differences between this series and the other one is the relationship with cops. The Police here (at least, there had been some) who actually cooperates with the main character but in police officers in Supernatural are mostly the annoying and closeminded types. I love fictional cops. I dig with crime stuff. If those could be combined, I am very delighted ^_^
Anywayz, about the first episode, it honestly wasn't as amazing as I expected it to be, BUT I LOVE IT! My favorite is the old spirit guy . . . Bob was his name I think. I have to admit that it wasn't that addicting though, but I really enjoy watching it ^_^ Or perhaps it's because the novel versions are better? But I don't think I have the time to look for and read all those x_x Watching its whole first season is an easier task for me ^^; Ehehehe.