Mar 17, 2006 02:07
All I want for my 21st birthday is a fucking DACHSHUND! Is that too much to ask?
I have searched the shelters, papers, and pet shops to no avail. I'm willing to pay up to 175$. I think Jesus just hates my guts.
IF YOU LOVE ME, BUY ME A WEINER DOG! Or if you know where I can get one, plz inform. Kthnxxx.
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ARE YOU CRAZY? I do not long to be raped.
Hope you're doing okay in school. I'm going to start studying C++ next week! I can't wait.
But really, they aren't THAT hard to train or handle - I've worked with a fair share of them in shelters, and I find them pretty easy going as long as they get excerised enough.
But yeah - a Dachshund will just cost a fortune, dig through carpet and cause a lot of stress...and not really intimidate anyone.
You sound like you know a LOT about dogs. Is this perception just an overblown mass media stereotype? Have other breeds of dogs killed people like the pit bull has? Are other breeds instinctively as lethal?
I've heard cockerspaniels are dumber than most dogs, is that true? Something about their being so inbred.
Your dog is cute. He looks alert and happy.
That's why pet stores should not be allowed to sell dogs at all, and that's also why backyard breeding shouldn't be allowed.
I have met some AMAZING cockers - but the majority - and I'm far from breedist - I love ALL dogs - have had SOME kind of severe temperment issue...
We have two on our street who have attacked me and my fiance several times, and who have attacked my own dog (my dog outweighs them by about 30 pounds and could seriously hurt them if he was given the chance...) but the owners do nothing - and the complaints I've filed have been ignored.
It's frustrating what those of us who have well behaved, well trained dogs have to go through because we choose to own a dog over 30 pounds - all because of the choices of a few.
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