Jul 25, 2007 03:32

just looked at Yuzuki Ryouka-san's japanese wikipedia entry...

it says that she used to like Madono-san?!!! :O!!! but cus she couldnt really get chances to talk to him (or they didnt really talk), so she thought it's better to let him dislike her (o.o;;;)

i think now it's quite clear that she and Koyama-san are a pair...? ^^

kekkaishi 29

inoue KARUSU ga detaaaa!! XDDD karusu!!! i mean... Inoue Gou-san lol... at first i didnt know who it was then i thot it sounded a bit like kiiyan but not really... then... cast says... Inoue Gou!! =w= gambare KARUSU!!! XD

BLCD news




Yonaga Tsubasa-kun... huu huu huuu... MIHASHI!!! XDDD it's not actually his "first BL" cus he's been in BL games n other BL dramas, just not as main... but that game was pretty high in H i think?  machigatta desu... i think. =w= it's his first main BL yaku afterall!! mah... i'll be waiting for a Nakamura Yuuichi x Yonaga Tsubasa one... HO OH HO HOHOHO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

seiyuu, anime

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