
Sep 19, 2012 23:24

OK so I was on PPS looking for anime to watch
since a new season is coming
I was thinking maybe some of the pre-views or whatever will be available

and I came across this... doujin anime! that features a bunch of
well-known female seiyuus
big bewbs big asses magical girls
wearing minimal cloth as outfits
and the male main doesnt seem to have a voice
character design is def. not my cup of tea either

so I decided to SKIP to the end to just look at credits
(and on my way saw some large tentacley octopus monster thing)

and decided that it's probably pr0n WWWW


my main point is

when I was at the credits part I saw his name!!!!!!!! = = Sunamori Taketeru!

he's one of my fav music producer recently...
wrote some music, wrote a number of songs for nico singers,
wrote the scripts for a number of drama CDs (the kindan vampire series and Tsuda Kenjiro-san's kurayamigatari)
is the producer of a number of CDs, drama CDs, some games' recording / sound-related parts,
and so on and so forth

and has a sexy low voice.

and is a chuuni boy... well not boy XD

but. ya. I'm crazy about him... from time to time.

surprised me a bit more than a bit when I saw his name in this
pr0n-ish anime but
not really surprised LOL since it's a doujin anime
and, well, ^^;;;;

sunamori taketeru, anime

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