Every day…and even more often than that…I am so thankful to the Lord that He made me a girl. Boys are rather wonderful, but there is no reason in the world that I want to be one…though I still very glad that the Lord made them. Sometimes I even feel sorry for boys…they don’t ever get to experience the delight of a new skirt or dress! Sure, they get new pants or shirts, but what is that compared to a new skirt or new dress?! Pants are all relatively the same, but there are so many lovely possibilities in a skirt or dress…
A couple days ago our whole family went to the nearest “big city” (two hours away) for a shopping trip. And though generally
I’m not too fond of malls, we went to the local one, and this time I’m glad that I did! For…(and I bet none of you saw this coming!) I found a new skirt! It was at Old Navy, which was rather shocking since I hardly ever find modest and reasonably priced clothing there. And the skirt itself I was very surprised to find at that particular store since it (the skirt) is beautiful and feminine and rather Edwardian-looking…full of pin tucks, cotton lace (my favorite kind) and ruffles. And it’s made of black cotton voile…which was quite exciting to me since I’ve always wanted a voile skirt. Perhaps it’s silly…but in a lot of the delightful old books such as Little Women or the Anne books or the Little House on the Prairie series, the women always identify their dresses by the type of fabric it was made of…poplin, or lawn, or voile and so on. And so…not only is this skirt made of an old-fashioned-sounding fabric, it also, as I already mentioned, looks rather old-fashioned, but not so much as to look like I’m running around in a costume. All in all, I could tell, even before wearing it, that this skirt was going to quickly the ranks of the privileged few that bear the title of “my favorite skirts”.
Sadly, after buying this skirt, I wasn’t able to wear it right away, due to having to work and consequently
wear scrubs all day. But in those few days between the buying and wearing thereof, many pleasing visions were being woven around that skirt (phraseology stolen from Anne of the Island…“Pleasing visions were being woven around Patty’s Place”). My very active imagination found that skirt in antique bookstore, on picnics, running delightedly through the rain, above bare feet dancing on dew-wet grass…the delights of anticipation, eh?!
I’m off of work today and tomorrow and as such, yesterday there was always the lovely knowledge in the back of my mind that tomorrow I could finally get to wear my new skirt! Something to look forward to always helps to get through a task you don’t particularly enjoy.
And so, all that anticipation of the wearing of the new skirt is what prompted this post. I found it interesting that something so simply feminine as a new skirt provoked so much innocent and somewhat subconscious delightful anticipation. Perhaps it proves that the Lord did indeed create women to look like women! So you see…behind all those what-some-would-deem-frivolous ramblings, there is an important truth.
After reading all that (if anyone did!), there can only be two groups of people left. Those girls who are kindred spirits and know exactly what I’m talking about and have experienced the same thing…and the rest of you, who honestly wonder why on earth did this rather nonsensical girl go on for many paragraphs about a new skirt?! Well, I can’t expect the men and boys to understand…this is an entirely feminine matter…but for the girls who don’t understand what I just rambled on and on about…it really cannot be explained and I only hope one day you too will experience the simple delightful joy and anticipation that accompanies a new skirt.
"...in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly clothing, but, which is proper for women professing godliness, with good works." ~1 Timothy 2:9-10