Sep 03, 2011 22:44
I'd read a bunch of things about taking ice baths after long runs. I read one thing that said from-the-cold-tap cold was just as good. I figured I could manage that.
After a long run I generally creak and groan my way around for a few days. After my 20 mile run today, I was, as usual, sitting and asking people to get things for me because I didn't want to move; moving hurt.
After a few hours of not doing much except eating, getting Simon ready for bed and talking on the phone, I eventually got around to the cold bath.
I filled the bath deep enough to cover my calves and not quite cover my thighs while I was sitting down. I got in gradually, getting little bits of me used to it at a time. I had a jumper on to keep my core warm. Much to my surprise, it wasn't that unpleasant, provided I didn't move (moving sent little cold waves, which were very uncomfortable). In fact, at times it was actually kinda nice. I think I may have been there more than fifteen minutes. Then I had a hilarious shower that was hot on my legs and cold on my body. And then I walked downstairs and around the kitchen as though it was three or four days after the run, rather than three or four hours. I am curious how it will feel in the morning.