This Is a good post on privilege, including a great metaphor. But it includes this:
A man has the privilege of walking past a group of strange women without worrying about being catcalled, or leered at, or having sexual suggestions tossed at him.
A pretty common male response to this point is “that’s a privilege? I would love if a group of women did that to me.”
I have to say, as a woman, I do like when a group of men catcall at me, I'm amused by leering (I actually had to stop myself laughing at a guy who checked me out really obviously while I was running recently) and I'm not bothered by having sexual suggestions tossed at me.
I'm guessing that I have some privilege here that I'm not seeing. Can you help me to see it?
I don't see how taking a catcall or a leer as a sign that a man is a potential danger to you is anything other than prejudice against men.