[Fic] Cosmos 9/9 part 2

Aug 15, 2012 08:58

Part 1

Mika helped them with the moving. Neither of them had a big enough apartment but they managed to quickly find a bigger apartment from close by both of their homes. Without thinking anything else, they started moving right away. But it was Mika who seemed the most excited about it.

“We need to go shopping! You need new furniture!” Mika nodded in excitement when seeing all the furniture Ryo had. She knew Tatsuya’s furniture as well as her own already.

“We already have everything we need, even more than that,” Ryo frowned but Tatsuya wasn’t one bit surprised knowing how obsessed Mika was about having matching furniture in one room.

“You have everything you need?” Mika repeated like she couldn’t believe what Ryo had just said. “Only starting with your couches, you’re couch is horrible and Tatsuya’s colors doesn’t match your new apartment at all,” Mika reasoned but of course she wasn’t making any sense to Ryo.

“You better just do what she says,” Tatsuya told the younger one when he turned to look at Tatsuya puzzled.

“But this is a total waste of money! Why should we buy new furniture when we already have everything,” Ryo argued, also feeling slightly hurt that Tatsuya was so easily giving into Mika.

“You, young man, have no right to say anything to this! You need the new furniture and that’s final!” Mika seemed to be getting angry and after finishing what she had to say, she turned around on her heels and marched out of the apartment leaving all the boxes for the two guys to carry down.

“What’s her problem,” Ryo muttered looking after the girl.

“Let her be. I’m sure whatever her reason is, it’s for our best on her logic,” Tatsuya chuckled patting Ryo on the shoulder before he leaned down to take on of the dozens of boxes.

“Geez… she’s getting crazier every day,” Ryo murmured to himself before he too picked up a box.

It turned out that Mika put herself in charge of the place of each and every object in the Ryoda’s new apartment. She refused to listen to neither Ryo nor Tatsuya even though both of them were complaining about wanting to furnish the house on their own. Of course Ryo complained a lot more than Tatsuya.

In the end both of them had to agree, though, that Mika had managed to make their home look very cozy and they both loved to get home from work and see their awesome apartment. And that was even though their bank accounts had lost huge amounts of money because of all the new furniture Mika had bought.

Now all there was left was to have a housewarming party.

They invited only their band members to come over. Tatsuya had started to open up more to the other members and even though he had been close to them before, he felt they were getting even closer. Tatsuya had also told them his past, leaving out all details, though, as he didn’t want to shock the younger ones.

Unfortunately Hiroki wasn’t released from the hospital on the day when everyone else was free to go to the party.

Tatsuya felt betrayed by Mika who had technically promised to help them with everything in the moving, including the housewarming party. She had indeed done this list of foods and drinks that would be served in the party but then she had just disappeared, leaving Tatsuya and Ryo to try to prepare all the foods they had never even heard of because they were some traditional western foods.

Luckily Ryo was really talented in cooking so it looked like they would be able to prepare everything without ruining them but they were behind in schedule. Tatsuya’s group members were already all there, being noisy in the living room while playing the Xbox. Junno was with them but the rest of Cosmos was missing.

“Is it done already?” Tatsuya asked Ryo who was trying to finish up with the last dish.

“I don’t know. I have no idea how this is supposed to taste. What do you think?” Ryo took some of the sauce from the pan with his spoon and after blowing it a few times he offered it for Tatsuya to taste.

Tatsuya leaned in to take some of the sauce to his mouth tasting it carefully. He was no expert and had no idea how the sauce was supposed to taste but it was edible. Ryo was either really good at cooking or he had just had luck while preparing it.

“I think it’s ready,” Tatsuya nodded.

“That damn Mika should be here to prepare these when it was her who insisted on having these foods on the menu,” Ryo muttered turning off the fire.

Tatsuya couldn’t agree more but because Mika didn’t even answer her phone, Tatsuya prepared the table so that their guests could come and take the food. And when everything was ready the two of them went to the living room to get their guests. Junno and Yuya were playing the xBox while Tatsuya’s other group members were sitting around looking pained. Tatsuya understood the reason right away.

“Man goes to the doctor, with a strawberry growing out of his head. The doc says ‘I’ll give you some cream to put on it’,” Junno said while busy pressing the buttons and started laughing hard.

“I thought he would shut up if he got to play,” Tatsuya heard his other group member, Maru saying lowly to Kazuya who nodded as an answer.

“Food’s done,” Tatsuya informed and all his group members jumped up from their spots to hurry to the kitchen. Junno stopped playing the game but stayed still and looked at the clock like he would have been expecting something.

“Afraid to taste my cooking?” Ryo asked crossing his arms on his chest.

“Oh no no, Ryo-tan must be a great chef. Otherwise you wouldn’t be ready yet,” Junno gave his usual bright and innocent smile.

“Don’t call me Ryo-tan,” Ryo told the tall guy strictly while Tatsuya turned to see the kitchen where his group members were busy getting the food on their plates.

“Wow, Ryo-tan, the food is delicious,” Yuya beamed from the kitchen where he had pre-tested some of the foods, too hungry to wait until he’d be seated.

“Who gave you a permission to even call me Ryo, brat?!” Ryo turned towards the kitchen annoyed of the new nickname someone had given him. Tatsuya found the whole scene too cute and had trouble not chuckling out loud.

“Maa maa, Ryo-tan, calm down,” Junno walked up to Ryo and patted his head.

“STOP CALLING ME RYO-TAN!” Ryo glared at Junno and this time Tatsuya couldn’t stop himself from laughing. Ryo himself looked so adorable in his annoyed state that it only fed the usage of the nickname, Tatsuya’s group members were also laughing in the kitchen having heard and seen enough.

“Oi! I’m serious!” Ryo pouted annoyed and right then the doorbell rang.

Mumbling to himself Ryo walked off to the front door.

“RYO-TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!” Tatsuya immediately recognized Mika’s innocent voice and made his way to the front door as well, Junno right behind him.

“Why does everyone suddenly call me that?!” Ryo complained while trying to push Mika away from him.

“Good job at leaving us all alone with the food issue,” Tatsuya leaned against the wall close to the front door raising an eyebrow at Mika to tell her he would not fall for any of her pretended innocent acts and excuses.

“Haha, Tat-chan, don’t be like that,” Mika smiled innocently and walked back outside signing something to someone. “I had to get someone,” Mika winked and turned to see the two men walking inside.

“H-Hiroki? You… You’re discharged?” Ryo looked speechless but managed to ask the question. Tatsuya dropped his hands feeling so relieved seeing Hiroki walking around on his own when he had been so close to dying. Yamapi was grinning by his side.

“I couldn’t miss your housewarming, now could I?” Hiroki grinned with his usual playfulness. “Show us how you’ve managed to pull through with the menu, Ryo-tan,” Hiroki added.

“Seriously! Everyone should stop calling me that!” Ryo whined.

“It’s great to see you here, Hiroki. Come, Ryo-tan will show you to the kitchen,” Tatsuya stepped forward smiling kindly. Ryo turned to him.

“Not you too!” Ryo both looked and sounded betrayed.

“Take it like a man, Ryo-tan,” Yamapi grinned patting Ryo on the shoulder while passing by to get further inside the house.

“Food food food,” Junno turned around going with Yamapi to the kitchen. Tatsuya decided to follow after them.

“I’m curious about the food, Ryo-tan,” Mika blinked her eyes innocently. She, Ryo and Hiroki were still by the front door.

Ryo tsk’ed at the girl in annoyance and took a hold of Hiroki by the arm to lead him to the kitchen gently. Hiroki hadn’t yet fully recovered and his walking looked awkward and like it took a lot of energy. Reason why both Mika and Yamapi had taken him from the hospital.

They all gathered around the living room to eat and chat together. The food was a success as well and Mika didn’t find anything weird about it either and complemented Ryo for being a natural in cooking. That led into joking about Tatsuya having made a good choice with Ryo.

By midnight the guests left and all that were left in the house were Tatsuya, Ryo and Mika who had stayed behind to help the two in cleaning. At least (roll of eyes from Ryoda). Yamapi and Junno left with Hiroki to help him with everything he needed help with.

“That was a really successful party,” Mika smiled widely having put up to dry the last dishes she had washed.

“Good for you to say when you could only come and enjoy it,” Ryo muttered still annoyed of the complete disappearance of the girl who was supposed to help them with everything.

“It’s true, Mika. I know you prepared the Hiroki surprise for us but you still left us in trouble here,” Tatsuya agreed with Ryo and boy did he look pleased about that. He even showed his tongue at Mika who was used to Tatsuya always taking her side.

“I’m sorry. I can’t promise that I wouldn’t do it again but don’t hate me,” Mika apologized and showed her puppy dog eyes.

“There’s no way anyone could be mad at you after you’ve cleaned up the whole house for us,” Ryo smiled sweetly with a really scary aura and patted Mika on the shoulder on his way to the bedroom.

“Huh?!” Mika turned after Ryo surprised of what the other had just said. Ryo just waved a hand and disappeared to the bedroom.

“You heard him, hun. Have fun,” Tatsuya whispered to Mika right next to her ear and followed Ryo not listening to whatever Mika complained about.

“Payback is sweet,” Ryo grinned from the bed when Tatsuya closed the door behind him.

The two started giggling and laughing happily while Mika had no other option but to clean up the mess the guys had created during the evening.

Their happy lives had just begun.

The End


Here's the final part. I'm sorry the ending is kind of lame...
Thank you for everyone who has read and commented this story. All comments have given me strenght!
Now, give me last comment on this story to make me smile? :)

I'm sorry this came in two parts. For some reason LJ kept telling me the post is too large even though it's rather short and I've posted a lot longer stories in one entry before >.<

Those who've followed, I'll be back with Love Dust tomorrow... that is if LJ allows me to post the new chapter without that much complaining. *sigh*

x: au, fic: cosmos, pairing: ryoda, l: multi-chapter

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