Oct 11, 2006 17:38
1. Do you have a college degree?
Yes. I have a stupid, useless college degree which my dear old daddy paid for in full. I wish I could have that money now! I'd do something usefull with it. I majored in religious studies with an emphasis on Eastern religions. I attended U of Vermont, Community College, International University in San Diego, and Manhattanville University.
2. What was the amount of your last electric bill?
Way more than these 70 dollar bills I keep seeing people mention!
3. How many hours per week do you have to work?
My job doesn't come with days off. Or pay. These days I am feeling very negative about all that go rah rah rah stay at home mom shit.
4. Have you ever attended a Toastmasters evening?
I have no clue what this is, so I'm certain I've never attended.
5. Favorite place to attend Happy Hour?
I don't generally do happy hours. I mean, it's after 5, and I'm drinking a glass of wine, so I guess my favorite happy hour is the one I make myself attend here in the home.
6. How many miles is your commute to work each day (one way)?
Enough with the work questions! Some of us suck and are uninteresting and boring and have no life outside of wiping children's asses and constantly cleaning up their messes.
7. What time do you get up every morning?
Well, that would assume one has a full night's sleep. I wake with Nate every two hours. He's nightweaned, but a shitty sleeper!
8. What is your definition of sleeping in late?
After 8. IO used to be a person who could sleep waaaaay past 11, or 1pm even.
9. Have you found any gray hairs?
Miraculously, no. But let's talk about my husband's salt and pepper!
10. Do you check your cholesterol on a yearly basis?
no. "I should get a check up one of these years.
11. How large was your first cellular phone?
I don't remember, but it was pretty clunky.
12. Does your employer provide good health insurance?
My husband has insurance. We pay through the nose to include the children and I.
13. Did you use the internet to write a research paper back in the old days of high school?
I graduated in 93. So, no.
14. Have you ever heard of the internet sensation ........ or visited?
15. Have you attended a high school reunion?
No, because Ben was nursing and god forbid martyrmommy did anything for herseslf.
16. How many jobs have you held in your professional career?
Professional? Well, none really. I taught yoga for a few years.
17. Have you ever been fired or laid off from a job?
I was a hostees at the Chart House and after coming to work coked up one too many times I was fired.
18. What is your favorite drink?
I drink: coffee, oj, water, coke/diet coke, seltzer/sparking water, camomile tea. i also drink: red and white wine, beer and the occassional gin and tonic with tons of lime.
19. What is the most expensive bottle of wine that you have in your residence?
None right now. Occassionally we get gifted a nice bottle. Mostly we buy from the Francis Ford Coppola line, they're really good and the cheap bottles are from 8-15 bucks.
20. Have you been divorced?
Yes. My starter marriage.
21. How old were you when you stopped getting IDed for alcohol/tobacco etc...?
The last time I was out in a bar atmosphere was in Hong Kong and they IDed the all the girls in our group but me and I was really offended and felt all haggy and old and shriveled. But later it was explained to me that the other two girls were proofed because they were Chinese (18 is the legal age, but a lot of bars have a 21 rule) and the establishment is trying to prevent underaged prostitutes (which they were assumed to be because they were with white men and in addition it was a prostitute type of bar).
22. Favorite casino?
Not a fan.
23. Are you happier now than you were in high school?
In general, yes. Most certainly yes. Even though I am feeling in a horrible, depressed, dissatisified, boring, trapped, and stifled place right now. I really am not finding fufillment in this whole parent of small children gig.
24. Did you ever have Hypercolor shirts?
I did not. Jim did though.
25. Do you remember when Michael Jackson was black and attracted to older people?
Older people? Didn't he "date" Brooke Shields? Who knows. I always thought he was wierd.
26. What music was in your cd / cassette player when you were 16?
Grateful Dead in a very misguided attempt to be the best hippie ever. I often wish I could go back in time and shake me very very hard.
27. Favourite fancy/upscale restaurant?
All of them. I love eating out. My recent favorites are the Intercontinental Steakhouse and Tokio Joe, both in Hong Kong.
28. How long has it been since you attended a kegger?
I remember very clearly my first week at UVM being dragged to some fraternity keg party by my roomate and really really hating it. I thought it was soooooooo stupid. Wasting my valuable time at a kegger when I could be doing drugs!
30. Where were you when you found out about 9-11?
I'd just left the luncheonette in town, having had breakfast with my dad. When I got in the car I heard on the radio the first reports, then I watched at home on the tv.
31. When's the last time you were at a 7-11?
Less than a month ago. You know, here in the US I never never never go to 7-11. 12 years ago in California, we would go in there and get Big Gulp cups and fill them with ice coffee and those disgusting irish creamer things. But, when we were in Hong Kong 7-11 is big (700 branches or something ridiculous like that) and there was one near the hotel that we'd get drinks or beer or condoms or candy at. They had a giveaway where you could collect these little Winnie the Pooh costume magnets and the kids loooooved that. So, I love Hong Kong 7-11
32. When's the last time you bought a 40oz of beer?
Never. My type of beer is 6 packs of some obnoxious Whole Foods microbrewery thing.