Jul 17, 2008 19:29
Let me start this entry by stating that I CAN'T STOP LISTENING TO "Pump Your Blood," the uber-cheesy (and educational!) song from Happy Days that Potsie came up with to help study for a test on the circulatory system. It's kind of the MOST ADDICTIVE thing ever, I hadn't heard it in years, and then I stumbled across an mp3 of it. I also found the Rosie/Penny co-hosting song from many moons ago which I had lost way back when... so I've been having fun replaying that and being weirded out by the fact that I still know all the words after all these years ("you're so bossy, I miss Shirrrrley..." LOL). Ahhh, such <3 for that duo, K-mart commercials and all!
Emmy noms!! I won't comment extensively, but just a few things: yay for the Office noms, I think Rainn & Steve were definitely the ones who deserved it, so no big surprises there. The person I'm really rooting for is Mary Louise Parker... I just love her to death, and although season 3 wasn't my favorite for her, character-wise, she is ridiculously consistent in her awesomeness, and I'd love to see her get it. AND YAY FOR KATHY GRIFFIN GETTING 2 NOMS!!! Someone just give that girl a truckload of Emmys already, please!
Went to the drive-in theater yesterday, which was a lot of fun. I just love the idea of drive-ins, it just seems so deliciously Grease/Happy Days in my mind. We saw Kung Fu Panda and Get Smart, both of which I had kind of wanted to see when they were first released, but hadn't really gotten around to it because there were other movies that I wanted to see even more. To be honest, I wasn't really blown away with either - they weren't really my "type" of movie, in that they both felt a tad formulaic, and a bit to dominated by redundant action sequences. They just didn't really fall into my "genre" of choice, and I found myself getting a tad bored. Having said that, Get Smart had some legitimately funny moments, and, of the two, that one kept me far more entertained. TODD PACKER (yess, i will forever refer to "that guy" as todd packer) + KEVIN NEALON = AUTOMATIC AWESOMENESS.
Went down to Boothbay today and did some coastal shopping, which was nice. Got salt water taffy and really good pizza (because, YES, it is always about the food. uhhh, healthy eating what?? :-/) Had tentative plans for camping this weekend, but looks like that won't be happening (weather's not looking so hot).
And, finally, it looks like everything's a go for the apartment next year!!! The landlord called me today to confirm details and stuff, so I guess it really is all official. SUCH A RELIEF to finally have that all squared away. Not that there might not be a few more bumps in the road between now and when we move in... but it feels SO GREAT to know that we've found a place where I'm actually really looking forward to spending the next year (maybe more). Cambridge, here I come!!! :) (Having said this all, I'm missing home/this summer already... I'm trying to distract myself though by thinking excited, happy thoughts).
kathy griffin,
potsie weber,