Just got back from camping - it was a great weekend, even though the weather wasn't the nicest. It was nice having so much of the family all in one place, even though there were a few missing (I'm starting to realize that now that most of the cousins are all grown-up, spread out, and living their own lives, it's going to be increasingly difficult to get everyone together. It makes me miss the 'old days' even more). But it was definitely a fun, nostalgic weekend... I've decided that sitting around a campfire talking with family/friends/etc. is one of my all-time favorite things. Especially if there are marshmallows involved.
Top 5 Pictures of Anything (Randomness at its finest. Explanations below.)
5. Taken from my "movie wall" at college (I printed out mini movie posters of my all-time favorite movies and decorated my wall with them). It was around freshman through junior year, so the pic definitely reminds me of college, my dorm, and movies that have made me smile at some point.
4. An art project I did for my sculpture class made by cutting up nylons/pantyhose extremely small and stretching them until they curled. The project was the result of an entire semester's worth of brainstorming, hands-on play with materials, and production, and it was just a really fun, happy class - I'm really going to miss taking art classes.
3. My dog, back when she was a puppy! Just another thing that makes me smile.
2. This is a picture of me, two summers ago, and for some reason, I have attached a lot of sentimental value to it. It was taken on a day-long hike in Utah - the most sunny, gorgeous, exhilarating 12 hours of my life (I'm not a big hiker typically, but this day just took my breath away). My friend took this picture of me towards the end of the day, during this part of the hike where there were all sorts of fields and wildflowers around - it looks like the world stops RIGHT THERE, as if we're ascending into some place pure and heavenly. And the clouds in the sky that day were absolutely breathtaking. Looking at the picture just puts me back in that perfect little moment.
And, on a lighter note...
1. just makes me laugh. :-p MMK's expression, the coconut bra, everything.
Top 5 Lorelai Gilmore Quotes (Gotta love her!)
5. "I heard he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter!"
4. (Taylor:) "Late again, are we??"
(Lorelai:) "Yes, I hope I'm not pregnant!"
3. "I ate the fuzzy certs. They tasted like keys."
2. "Does he have a motorcycle? Because if you're going to throw your life away, he better have a motorcycle!"
1. "I have to know where you are at all times, especially when you have my shoes on!!"
Top 5 Movie Endings (Another tough one!!)
5. The Pursuit of Happyness- I was definitely in tears for this one. All the build-up, having rooted for him throughout the movie - just a really feel-good ending.
4. Jerry Maguire- The whole speech in the living room - perfection.
3. The Shawshank Redemption- An ending that just makes you want to go out and live life to the fullest.
2. The Sixth Sense- The ultimate in "surprising" endings, this movie will go down in history for its famously shocking final ten minutes (that is, if you hadn't been spoiled before seeing it..)
1. Never Been Kissed- This movie, in all its slightly-cheesy wonderfulness, is one of my favorites, and the last minutes in which we watch Josie's climatic first kiss, in the packed baseball stadium, were priceless (zero seconds left!! he rushes in!! don't pretend you weren't cheering right along for her!) There's just something about a classic, perfectly-paced happy ending.
Top 5 Favorite Foods (Mmmmmm...)
5. Dippin' Dots (Unfortunately, they aren't sold anywhere in Maine, except in a couple of movie theater vending machines..)
4. Samoa Girl Scout Cookies (or Carmel Delights as they are now called, I think?)
3. Orange/Sesame Chicken (or any sort of Chinese food really)
2. Nachos with fake cheese (think: concession stand style. I'm classy like that.)
1. Lobster (I don't know how/why I went through the first 18 years of my life not liking it, but I recently became hooked, and it has pretty much skyrocketed to the top of my favorite foods list)
Top 5 Arrested Development Quotes
5. Lucille: "Here's some money. Go see a Star War."
4. Lindsay: "Oh, hi, mom, I have the afternoon free!"
Lucille: "Really, did nothing cancel?"
3. George Michael: "Are those strippers?"
Michael: "If I know your uncle, they're at least strippers..."
2. Lucille: "Buster! Stop playing with Mother's rape horn. Yes, I have a rape horn, Michael, because you took away my mace."
Buster: "Yeah, like anyone would want to "R" her."
1. Michael: "What comes before anything? What have we always said is the most important thing?"
George Michael: "Breakfast."
Michael: "Family."
George Michael: "Family, right. I thought you meant of the things you eat."
Top 5 Gilmore Girls Moments (Narrowing it down was of course next-to-impossible, so these are just a few ones that I've always had a soft spot for, for whatever reason).
5. Max's proposal to Lorelai with all the daisies. Maybe it's just the romantic in me, but I loved this episode in all its sweetness.
4. Rory's acceptance to Yale/Harvard. For some reason, this moment always made me really teary-eyed - Lorelai just seemed so proud as the "big packets" were pulled out of the mailbox, and it was just really exciting to watch the moment that Rory had long been dreaming about finally come. And I love when Lorelai says to her with a little smile, "Looks like you're the biggest virgin in the world..." I know she's a fictional character and all, but for some reason, at that moment, I felt really proud of her, too.
3. The scene at the end of "Forgiveness and Stuff" with Luke & Lorelai at Luke's, with their little banter about the hat. I love the music in the background, and the BURNING SEXUAL TENSION, hehe. "Just watch the procession." ;)
2. Rory/Dean's first kiss in the market, and the accidental shoplifting that results. I just simply love Innocent Rory, and I adored getting to watch her experience all sort of "firsts" through her relationship with Dean in season 1.
1. The Luke/Lorelai kiss at the end of season 4. FINALLY!! Most of my favorite TV-moments involve long-awaited first kisses (see: Pam/Jim list in previous post), and all the emotions surrounding them. The whole scene at the inn was perfect, and this was one of the moments that I remember watching live... audible squeeing most certainly resulted.
Top 5 Reasons I <3 Michael McKean (Including a completely unnecessary picture, of course:)
5. He radiates this sort of witty intelligence in a way that somehow manages to still make him come across as really down-to-earth and genuine. Whether he's kicking everyone's butts on Celebrity Jeopardy (but in a totally modest way of course), or just being ridiculously charming and humorous in interviews, I just find that he always comes across as really smart, together, and, ummm... any other synonym that exists for all-around awesomeness.
4. He's one half of the cutest celebrity couple ever! Their amazingness together makes me even more convinced of his amazingness as an individual.
3. The boy can act! He's taken on such a wide variety of roles, and he really does an amazing job with them all (well, at least of the ones I've seen). Whether he's playing a greasy-but-lovable next door neighbor, a folk singer, a rock star, or a douchey PriceWorld representative, he does it with flying colors. He's far transcended his spot in my mind as simply "Lenny from L&S," and he's just as versatile an actor as anyone else in Hollywood that I can think of.
2. The musical thing. Looking back, if I remember correctly, the moment that I fell for MMK/Lenny was right about the time that I first saw him pick up a guitar. I'm not usually one to just automatically go head-over-heels for any guy carrying a guitar, but (regarding MMK as Lenny) there was something strangely sexy about this kinda-dorky character picking up his guitar and just being transformed into a totally different person. To this day, MMK's voice has a strange, hypnotic effect on me.
1. He doesn't seem to take himself too seriously (see: grass skirt pic a few lists up), and yet it's impossible not to respect him, and all that he's done within his profession. He seems to understand that it truly is an amazing thing to be able to dedicate your life to making others laugh, smile, etc., and he seems to have a genuine passion for what he does. And it shows through in his work.
Top 5 LEAST Favorite Ships (All IMHO, of course... feel free to put up a friendly argument!)
5. Charlotte/Trey, Sex and the City - Even before the whole sexual-dysfunction storylines, I just never saw the chemistry here.
4. Rory/Logan, Gilmore Girls - It just never worked for me. I know that sounds really vague, but I just never saw the same tenderness and compatibility that I did with her other pairings.
3. Cappie/Rebecca, Greek - I love me some Cappie, which is why I think he deserves the best. And IMO, the best is NOT Rebecca (I still am having a hard time finding her even in the slightest bit likable).
2. Lorelai/"Digger", Gilmore Girls - Ehhh... in addition to the fact that the dude's nickname is "Digger," I just couldn't see why Lorelai liked him. Zero chemistry there.
1. George/Izzie, Grey's Anatomy - Although I loved (seasons 1-2 of) Grey's, I never found myself getting totally on board with many of the ships (with a few exceptions, but that's another post..). This was the one that was the final straw for me though, and just stunk of plot-desperation.
Top 5 Friends Quotes
5. Joey: "If the homo sapiens are in fact homo sapiens, is that how come they're extinct?"
Ross: "Joey, homo sapiens are people."
Joey: "Hey, I'm not judging..."
4. Chandler: "Okay, you have to STOP the q-tip when there's resistance!"
3. Phoebe: "Quit being so testosterone-y"
Chandler: "Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco Treat..."
2. Rachel: "What were you trying to put it in, her purse?" (To Ross, after he said that sleeping with someone else was "a mistake")
1. Rachel: "Guess what!?"
Chandler: "Uhh, the fifth dentist caved and now they're all recommending Trident?"
Top 5 Greek Scenes
5. The original "Spitter" scene in the Pilot. I just loved watching Rusty's introduction to college frat life. And the way Cappie took him under his wing was way cute.
4. Cappie & Casey's talk in which he says that, in 10 years, what he wants is to be with her. We really get to see just how much he cares about her... and for a moment it seemed like they might actually get back together.
3. Jen K & Rusty on his bed, going through the different things that they "love" (essentially mocking the whole premature "I Love You" incident). The fact that it does end with a very heartfelt confession of feelings makes it all the more sweet.
2. Cappie/Casey's scene in the Pilot in which they play pool together, and engage in some red-hot flirting. (Oh, and of course the highly entertaining morning after...)
1. When Rusty makes it rain beer. Kind of the coolest thing ever.
Top 5 Overrated Movies (Again, all just IMO... some of these are bound to be a tad controversial.)
5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. Austin Powers (any and all)
3. Sin City
2. The Forty-Year Old Virgin
1. The Ring
Top 5 Shows I Loved as a Child (Fun!)
5. Full House. I've seen every episode about 432879 times. Michelle used to be my role model, haha.
4. The Brady Bunch. Until I got scared of the episode in which Bobby dreams that Jesse James shoots his family. Yay family fun.
3. Zoobilee Zoo. Not many people I know have heard of this one... but I used to watch it all the time.
2. Wild n' Crazy Kids. Or, pretty much anything on Nickelodeon. But this was the one that especially rocked my socks. I wanted to be on it SO BAD.
1. Scooby Doo. Was then, and forever will be, the best kids' cartoon ever.
Top 5 Lenny Moments (This one has to have pictures, obvi...)
5. A silly one to start things off. I just love Lenny's interaction with the horse during "The Horse Show," when he's trying to test to see whether the horse eats people.
4. Lenny and Laverne's talk at the end of "Lenny's Crush." (Any list of top Lenny moments has to have some Lavenny overlap. It's impossible to avoid! :) ). He's at his most real, his most vulnerable - we can really understand why he feels hurt and deceived, and you can't help but just want to rush in and give him a big hug (or maybe that's just me?)
3. Lenny's talk with Squiggy during "Driving Test". A truly sweet testament to their friendship - it was really nice hearing Lenny put into words how important their relationship is to him.
2. Lenny comforts Laverne in "A Visit to the Cemetary." We learn a lot about Lenny's own family background, and he proves to be great at talking a friend through a really tough time. And for some reason, I can't help but melt when he says "I'll take my leavings now, k, Laverne?" (kind of random, I know).
1. The final scene in "The Slow Child." As amazing as the scene in the Pizza Bowl is, in which we witness Lenny & Amy's budding relationship (and see Lenny stand up to Squiggy, in a very rare moment), for me, it was this last scene that just tugged at my heartstrings. When Lenny puts his hat on Amy's head, and just looks at her with the most loving eyes, it can't be argued that this character is pretty much as sweet as it gets.
A big thanks to everyone who suggested topics - these were all really fun to do!!