So basically I was pulling out of the target parking lot making a right, and the next thing I know, this dude flies into me. I checked several times to make sure there was no on-coming traffic and though I saw lights in the distance, I swear he came out of no where. It'll end being my fault, but seriously, one of the weirdest moments in my life. My take on the thing is that he was porbably changing lanes (and going way over 40 seeing as how my car was dragged along and my bumper actually stuck to his doors and fell off onto the sidewalk when he pulled over) and went into mine. Or something like that. I don't know. I was going into the far right lane and then BAMZ!
Thank God for Luke and Sean, the oh-so adroable police officers who made this bareable. K, I so wish you were there. You would have diiiieeddd. Add "cute copper" to our list ;]
Anyway. Yeah. Stoked.
Luke. With my license plate which we later discovered in the middle of Sepulveda Blvd.
no really, LOVES it.
bye pirate ship ... :[