I haven't really the concentration span for a real entry (and if I wrote one, it would be huge and tangental anyway.) You get random paragraphs instead.
- Andy put Christmas lights on our back porch, which we use as a main entrance. It's great because now we can see, but gosh the rest of the house looks depressed and lonely.The neighbors must also think we're terribly backwards.
- We put up the Christmas tree too! Haven't decorated it yet, just put the lights on- and that was exciting enough. At first we thought we had extra lights, couldn't find them anywhere, and then determined that they were on the other christmas tree, which is still assembled downstairs. (Um.... Family tradition, I guess.) And then we had to run out and buy new lights. Target didn't have any. Finally found some at Wal-mart.... And then accidentally bought the wrong colour. (Amber. Which theoretically goes with the red lights, but it reminds me too much of the cheesy gold lights we had as a kid.) We ended up having to pull the lights down that we already put up (see above) and used those, I'll replace them later. It all worked out, but wasn't looking to optimistic most of last night.
- I want a house. Current reasons are thus:
1. To actually decorate, because we don't have ANY room in this teensy little place for garland or anything fun.
2. To make mead. I have such a craving for mead, and the people I know who make it are on the other side of the state. I fully intend to make some myself, but it is a) large b) reasonably expensive to start and c) not portable at all. I've vowed to wait until we get a house, because moving with all of the supplies & aging bottles does not sound like a good time. With the aging process, it does mean I have to wait at least three years for my own mead, though. (Or until Pennsic!)
- On that note, I did ask off for Pennsic this year. Hasn't been approved yet, but I'm expecting it too. w00t!
- Do any of you have any specific traditions/rituals for the Winter Solstice? I'd like to hold it a little more formally this year. Have various ideas, & realised that I don't know how anyone else celebrates it. I'd like to hear your practices; also, I promised maybemonday I'd give her reading material, so if you have any solid, non-fluffy articles to share, I'd appreciate those too. :)
- I am on vacation, which is both nice and much needed and really dull. I haven't done much besides clean. This weekend we're giving away the pets and going to stay at a nice b&b in Gettysburg. :) It'll be cold, but good to get out of the house for a few days.
- Photography is slow, as with the season. Couple of more shoots before Christmas and that should be it for winter, mostly. I'm hoping to use the time hitting a lot of wedding advertising & marketing to the couples just getting engaged over the holidays. Maybe ads on facebook? offbeat bride?
- The whole sole-proprietorship thing is still a little scary. It's one thing whenever you sell a product- people look at it and know what to expect. Selling a service is so much more intimidating, because there's always the possibility you'll screw it up. Haven't yet, & don't plan to, but still, a little bit scary. It's also hard to want to advertise for something that's a little bit scary.
I think that's all for now- or all I feel like tangeting on. There'll be more posts coming up: something on dance, something on philosophy; I'd like to get more into the day-to-day rhythm of blogging, and possibly this winter will be a good time for that. She says, optimistically.