(no subject)

Nov 22, 2009 22:43

The past few days have been an ongoing typewriter saga. It suddenly took my fancy to find one- I love them, they make me deeply happy, more than I can really say- so started searching ebay. I found one in amazing condition, gold and shiny and very steampunk- and promptly lost it, because the last thirty-second bidding went higher than I thought I should go. Later research discovered that I should've bid much higher. This is why I hate eBay. I am no longer quite so disappointed, because I found a huge old brown one by the same maker, from the 20's. It will require a good bit of cleaning before it's naturally gorgeous, but it will be a great addition to my library-to-be. If I do NaNoWriMo next year (um... to make up for my abortive attempt this year) maybe it'll be by typewriter.

With Christmas coming up, I've been puttering around etsy a little more... had another one of my brilliant ideas. It's a bit late for this year, but I'm half-tempted to design a few floral pieces- wreaths, etc. and see if they would have any market. Dunno. I spent about a year and a half as a silk florist and loved it (even though the job sucked.) There is no space in my house for decorations, so that hobby fell by the wayside; I'd almost forgotten how much I like doing it until I decorated the lanterns from Steph's wedding. & we got so many compliments on them, people thought we bought them special that way. :) Anyhow, I plan on at least decorating a nice Christmas wreath for our house, maybe a few garlands. In the meantime, I might start trolling prices and see if there's any way to make a profit on that sort of thing. Interest aside, the materials are so expensive-- the cost might not be worth it. I also have a definite tendency to be overly ambitious and start projects that never get finished. Who knows, I'll do ours and see if any other thoughts come up.

On the note of making things- I haven't done well at ALL keeping up on my bobbin lace- but I saw this. I love it to pieces. Also, I could totally make that with lace. It would take some playing to get the pattern right- pretty sure it would need more bobbins- but once I figured it out, it would not be difficult. And I never did start making scarves. This might give me something to do on my vacation coming up.

I finally bought film for one of the old cameras that Grandad gave me. I've been wanting a camera that's more portable than my DSLR, and this might be the way to go. Gives me good practice- valuable lesson not to waste as many frames and getting the exposure right in camera.

Generally, I am trying to find things to keep myself occupied on my week off, preferably that do not involve spending money. We'll save all that for Gettysburg. Have you guys been working on anything cool lately?

daily ramblings

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