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Dec 07, 2008 16:58

This past weekend was Vaudeville Carnivale 3. It's really a beloved event for  us- we were involved with the first two for volunteering & whatnot. Lately we've all been a bit removed from the dance scene, and then they changed the event location, so we didn't end up volunteering this time, but it was so nice just to go and watch.

 Can I tell you how much I love these people?

A lot of our out-of-town Pennsic buddies/fellow DID citizens were up and it was fantastic to see them. Most were performing and the open dance floor afterwards was seriously like a family reunion- I kept turning around to find more people to hug & wave to.

The show was amazing, as ever. It definitely keeps getting better. Mab was mistess of ceremonies with her twisted sideshow tricks, mavi performed her bellyhorror piece. It was neat to see what Zafira is up to now- Carnivale seems to premier a lot of their new work & it's fantastic per usual. Buddy Nutt did a commentary/tribute piece regarding the Wal-mart worker that was killed on black friday, and it was breathtaking. His entire set was genius, and to top it off with that- which was almost unbearable in its poignancy- was really well done.

The next night was a show at YIV with Ishtar, Raquy, Zafira, and a little bit of Mezmer. I put my camera down & went to enjoy this one. They got a great turnout (both nights, actually, which made me happy- attendance has been down lately) and Raquy is still mindblowing. I love the little smile she gets after she's just finished a particularly difficult piece.

The best part of the whole thing, though, was the open dancing. And hanging out with all of these amazing people that I don't get to spend nearly enough time with. I feel so utterly priviliged to be surrounded by so many artistic & inspiring & wonderful people. And that they're all the type to jump of the stage and grab me to dance. This past weekend was humbling and inspiring. :)

Interesting things are afoot with Roya as we're shoving a few new tricks up our sleeve for the 2009 season. First performance is Jan. 10th- that's scheduled, at least; we also have a bellydance sundays and hopefully an ishtar performance to pick up somewhere around then, too. It's good to get into the swing of things again.

bellydance, roya, pittsburgh

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