Re: the LJ boycott tomorrow? I wish you all the best of luck, but
I think that Isis pretty nicely sums up my thoughts. I probably won't be posting tomorrow either, but seriously - when do I ever post two days in a row? *shrugs* If/when there is a better alternative to LJ that fandom at large is using, I'll move, but in the meantime I just don't see IJ as being anything other than more of the same with an uglier layout.
HOWEVER! That is not what I wanted to talk about today. What I wanted to do was celebrate the first day of spring, and hopefully bring some smiles to those on my flist who need them. So I figured it was time for another edition of Vids to Make You Smile With Glee!
Smile by
watcher_junior (Gilmore Girls)
I understand that a lot of you might not have seen The Gilmore Girls. But please do not let this deter you from this vid! I happen to love The Gilmore Girls (or at least the first 5 seasons of it) with an unholy passion and yes, that does help with the glee factor of this vid. But there are people being happy and the song is just pretty infectious. So consider this my gift of a pimping vid rec to you and then you can fall in love with the show too! (And write me lots of Paris/Rory. *cough* Did I say that out loud? Opps. :-D)
Canadian Actor Bingo by
barkley (Multi-fandom)
*giggles* For all the times that my housemates and I have joked about playing Canadian actor bingo with our various sci-fi shows,
barkley went and did it! This is a peppy version of Bingo that I never knew could exist and a profound love of Sci-Fi Fridays, with a HUGE Callum tribute at the end. Joy! (And I think that we ought to figure out some kind of a drinking game to this vid for
bitchinparty, just because! *g*)
Sawatte Kawatte (Touch! Change!) by
laurashapiro (Heroes)
Hiro! And Ando! *flails* I know that just about everyone has a character that they over identify with to a dangerous degree. (Um, please tell me that I am not alone in this, right? *looks around nervously*) For me, I have an odd over-identification with Hiro and Ando's relationship, because I long to be Hiro, but most days I find myself being very Ando-esque. And so the fact that
laurashapiro has vidded them to perfection made me incoherent with glee. Just sheer fist pumping, Paul Gross arms waving glee. I personally found the subtitles to be a bit distracting, so I dled the non-subtitled one for keeps, but I recommend that you at least watch the subtitles once, because the love! The perfection of it all! *continues to flail and hopes that no one notices the incoherence of the rec as a whole*
Everybody Needs Somebody (To Love) by
halcyon_shift (Multi-fandom)
This is actually a two for the price of one recommendation, because by reccing the vid, I can rec the accompanying story by
makesmewannadie! *beams* The story is The Blues Brothers gen, and I've never seen the movie, but it left me with a HUGE smile on my face. And the vid!
makesmewannadie claims that it is a love letter to fandom. Personally, I see it as a love letter to the relationships in our canon that let us have our fandom, but why split hairs? It is love and it is AWESOME!
Oh Canada! by
heuradys (Men with Brooms/Due South)
Now the source material might make this seem like a crossover vid between Due South and Men with Brooms. And I suppose that there is a way to read it in that way. However, this vid just reads to me like a love letter to the Canadian 6 Degrees fandom at large and it kind of makes me want to draw lots of sparkly hearts around the whole thing!
Pretty Boy by
strangecobwebs (Paul Gross)
And for those of you scratching your heads at home going "Paul Gross is his own fandom? Really?!" I promise you that he ought to be! Paul is pretty, Paul is enthusiastic and the resulting vid showcases both of those admirable traits.
These are not necessarily the most technically proficient vids in the world. There are some source problems and timing issues. But you know what my favorite part about fandom is? Something doesn't have to be prefect to make you smile. These were all vidded from a place of love and it SHOWS. And they WILL put a big ol' smile on your face, or you'll get your money back! :-D