Supernatural & CWRPS

Feb 28, 2011 14:30

Supernatural & Real Person Slash

Dean Winchester x Castiel & Sam Winchester x Gabriel & Dean Winchester x Gabriel & Dean Winchester x Jimmy Novak & John Winchester x Gabriel & Dean Winchester x Gabriel x Castiel

Real Person Slash
Jensen Ackles x Misha Collins & Jensen Ackles x Misha Collins x Matt Cohen


Dean Winchester x Castiel

Title: Temptation
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: sycophantastic, Dean/Castiel, since they started sleeping together, Cas has become a bit orally fixated, so when they're at a diner & Dean tries to lick a bit of something off his lip, Cas decides they need to duck into the bathroom to put Dean's mouth to better use (tl;dr - semi-public blowjob, weeeee)
Word Count: 384
Originally Posted: 16 February 2011, here

It’s not that Castiel can’t wait - he did, after all, wait his entire lifetime for Dean - it’s just that he chooses not to. Watching Dean lick salt from his fingers from his fries, or the ketchup that leaked out of his burger onto the back of his hand is bad enough. Watching Dean lick his lips, his tongue pink and wet and barely poking out of his mouth and curling around the lip of his bottle of beer is the final straw, so to speak.

Dean may complain about the rough treatment, about being dragged and manhandled and shoved against the bathroom door, but it only takes a minute for him to figure out what it is exactly that’s bothering Castiel. Which works just fine for Castiel, because it means frantic and messy kisses from Dean while Dean flips them, pinning Castiel to the door. He palms at Castiel through his slacks teasingly, nipping at Castiel’s lip before sinking to his knees with a smirk and bright eyes.

Castiel lets his head fall back against the bathroom door and whimpers, because now is hardly the time for anything requiring actual thoughts or words. He’s already hard, has been for he isn’t sure how long, and Dean takes advantage of that by tugging his slacks open with familiar ease and wrapping his lips around Castiel’s cock without word or warning.

Dean’s mouth is wet and hot, his tongue curling and probing around Castiel’s shaft, along the slit and tracing the ridge. His fingers curl into Castiel’s hips when he starts to suck in earnest, holding Castiel in place while he hollows his cheeks and all the while Dean never takes his eyes off of Castiel’s. It’s perfect and Dean doesn’t stop until after Castiel fists his hair and arches his hips foreword, coming down Dean’s throat hot and hard with a bitten off cry.

And Dean lets Castiel, with the roll of his eyes and a smirk of lips that look impossibly mesmerizing the way they’re stretched around Castiel’s dick. He pulls off with a wet pop and nuzzles his face into the Castiel’s hip, muttering something about angels and sex fiends. It’s Castiel’s turn to just let Dean be, carding his fingers through Dean’s soft hair and willing the moment to drag on forever.

Sam Winchester x Gabriel

Title: Trust
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: tiptoe39, Sam/Gabriel, rimming XD
Word Count: 588
Originally Posted: 02 February 2011, here

Gabriel’s head is pillowed on his arms, and he’s watching Sam over his shoulder with half-lidded eyes. For all intents and purposes, he looks comfortable, but Sam only has to lay a hand on the back of a naked thigh to feel the tight clench of muscles. He’s humoring Sam, for now, and Sam knows it must kill Gabriel to be this exposed to anybody.

“I’ve got you,” Sam whispers, crawling up Gabriel’s body to kiss at his shoulder. “Just trust me.” He doesn’t wait for Gabriel to reply before kissing down his spine, pausing occasionally to nip lightly and wash away the pain with his tongue. Sam stops at the small of Gabriel’s back, licking the sweat from his skin, before nudging Gabriel’s thighs apart easily.

Sam doesn’t have to look up at Gabriel to know he’s still watching Sam with wary eyes. Sam smiles reassuringly up at him all the same, before settling between Gabriel’s legs and kissing at the inside of his thighs. He can feel the twitch of Gabriel’s muscles, whispers a soft “sshhh” to soothe them, before kissing a line up the inside of Gabriel’s thigh.

“On your knees,” Sam says softly, and it only takes a moment for Gabriel to obey, shifting his weight onto his elbows and bowing his head. Sitting back on his heels, Sam takes a minute to admire the view before resting his hands on the curve of Gabriel’s ass and using his thumbs to spread him open.

Gabriel squirms, but doesn’t try and pull away, so Sam takes it as a sign to lean forward and lick a line along the curve of Gabriel’s ass to his hole. It’s the barely there press of his tongue, followed by a flick, but it’s enough for Gabriel to suck in a sharp breath and push back against Sam in approval.

And he would laugh, but Sam doesn’t think Gabriel would take it well at all, so he settles for biting his lip to keep back his smile before licking at Gabriel again. Gabriel makes impossibly pleased sounds when Sam tongues at the rim, occasionally blowing on the wet skin to watch tremors run through Gabriel’s back and thighs. He moans when Sam spears his tongue, pressing against the tight ring of muscles and just inside, fingers fisted in sheet and half formed pleas for more dying on his own lips.

It’s sloppy and wet, because Sam’s never done this before and the closest he’s ever been was going down on Jess, but judging by the way Gabriel’s reacting he figures he’s doing an okay job of it. And it’s stupid, but the fact that Gabriel is trusting him enough to do this makes his heart beat in his chest and he doesn’t know what to do with it, but it’s more than he could have asked for and he has no intentions of letting the opportunity slip through his fingers.

Gabriel is trembling from the effort to hold himself up when Sam pulls away, and Sam runs a hand down the back of his thigh soothingly. “Okay,” Gabriel manages after a moment, his voice rough and hoarse. “You can fuck me now.”

The words send something hot and dark through Sam’s system, because this isn’t something they’ve talked about before. Before Sam can complain though, Gabriel is wiggling his ass invitingly and grinning over his shoulder at Sam. And really, there isn’t anything for Sam to do but press a kiss to the base of Gabriel’s spine and obey.

Title: Public
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: krystalicekitsu, Sam/Gabriel - Very very public first dates.
Word Count: 310
Originally Posted: 09 February 2011, here

The whole reason Sam had suggested they grab dinner at the nearest diner was to avoid situations like this in the first place. He had made the mistake of assuming just because other people were around that maybe Gabriel would behave himself. It’s a mistake Sam is regretting dearly.

Gabriel is eating his milkshake with a spoon, his pink tongue darting out to lap at the vanilla ice cream lazily, curling around the metal of his spoon as he makes a happy mmmh sound. Whenever Sam tries to say something, Gabriel ducks his head just a pinch and looks up at Sam from under his lashes, and Gabriel’s foot keeps trailing up along the inside of Sam’s legs and stroking against his jeans.

It’s distracting. Very, very distracting.

Sam can’t bring himself to concentrate on his salad and his mouth feels impossibly dry even though he’s already drank half of his Coke. He knows he should keep pushing Gabriel’s foot away every time in tries to rest on the bench between Sam’s thighs and that he should ignore the near pornographic sounds Gabriel makes as he eats, but it’s getting harder with every passing minute. “I hate you so much,” Sam says.

Gabriel grins at Sam, sticking his tongue out childishly before he sticks a few fries in his mouth. His foot presses against the front of Sam’s jeans lightly, a barely there pressure before Gabriel’s grin widens. “Say what you will, but you’re still totally thinking about fucking me over this table right now. I’m on to you, Winchester. It’s always the nice boys that turn out to be kinky freaks.”

“So much,” Sam says through gritted teeth. “I hate you so, so much.” He does shove Gabriel’s foot away again, but he can’t bring himself to actually deny the words, because fuck if Gabriel isn’t actually right.

Dean Winchester x Gabriel

Title: On The Wall
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: morganoconner, Dean/Gabriel, wall!sex...because that is something I have not seen yet and need in my life.
Word Count: 383
Originally Posted: 02 February 2011, here

Gabriel is small enough that when Dean pins him to the wall, pressing in and holding him there, that he’s almost completely covered. He lets Dean hook his fingers under Gabriel’s thighs and drag him up the wall, forcing their hips and chests and lips together in desperate need. Gabriel wraps his legs around Dean’s waist, tangles his fingers in soft hair and just holds on.

It sends a strange thrill through Dean’s veins, knowing he can smother the archangel with his body (even if he technically can’t), knowing that Gabriel trusts him enough to do this. Dean would grin, but he’s too busy licking his way into Gabriel’s mouth and battling for dominance - because even though Gabriel’s been compliant so far, everything he does is a battle for dominance and Dean’s actually startling okay with it.

Dean’s not entirely sure how half naked blowjobs on the couch became buck naked, frantic rubbing and gasping against the wall, but he’s not going to complain. His cock feels hot and slick trapped against Gabriel’s between their bodies, and he can’t relieve the tension building in the base of his spine without dropping Gabriel. Gabriel is the only one with free hands, and he’s content just to roll his hips up against Dean tauntingly.

Dean stops kissing Gabriel in favor of nipping along his jaw, bringing a hand up to slip three fingers into Gabriel’s mouth. Gabriel’s not an idiot, and for once he’s okay with just playing along. He digs his nails into Dean’s shoulder, painfully tight, and sucks at Dean’s fingers enthusiastically, not entirely unlike what he was doing to Dean’s dick ten minutes ago. He moans when Dean pulls his fingers free, chasing them with his lips and teeth until Dean covers Gabriel’s mouth with his own and flicks his tongue out.

It’s awkward and the angles are bad, but Dean couldn’t care less right now. He hefts Gabriel higher up on his hips, grunting at the strain of it, before trailing his fingers along the back of Gabriel’s thigh and towards his hole. At the first brush over the sensitive skin, Gabriel bucks against Dean, but as soon as Dean is pressing into him with his fingers Gabriel is moaning and demanding “more”.

And really, Dean’s all too willing to oblige.

Dean Winchester x Jimmy Novak

Title: Clay
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: chibikameai, human!au. jimmy/dean. pottery. clay. water. wetness. all hands. unchained melody in the background and ditto.
Word Count: 336
Originally Posted: 02 February 2011, here

Dean’s glad for the chance to get Jimmy alone and pinned against the front door of his apartment. Being forced to watch him mold clay, water sluicing over his fingers and hands every time he wetted them and the furrow of intense concentration on Jimmy’s brow nearly killed Dean. He would tell Jimmy as much, but he gets the feeling pinning him to the door and dragging his hips against Jimmy’s gets the point across well enough without words.

Jimmy definitely gets the hint. He fumbles to push Dean’s jacket off, tugging at his faded Led Zeppelin tee until he could push it up and over Dean’s head and let it fall to the floor behind them. Jimmy’s hands are cold against Dean’s skin, but they’re huge and soft and they know all the places to touch that make Dean shudder and moan. He traces patterns into Dean’s back before slipping around Dean’s front and down the front of his jeans, gripping at Dean’s cock with startling familiarity and jerking him off.

“Fuck,” Dean groans, dropping his forehead to Jimmy’s shoulder. He doesn’t bother to stop the long train of obscenities from spilling from his lips, because it’s not like either of them care. It’s an actual effort to release Jimmy’s hips in favor of undoing the darker haired male’s ratty jeans and slipping his hand inside, circling around Jimmy’s shaft and thumbing at the slit. He laughs when Jimmy curses, and Dean presses their lips together in a desperate kiss to swallow down any moans.

It’s rough and dry and there is a perfectly good couch not ten feet to their left, but Dean really can’t bring himself to care. The only thing that matters right now is the feel of Jimmy’s hand on his dick, the heavy, hot weight of Jimmy’s shaft in Dean’s, and the fact that Jimmy’s too busy trying to suck at Dean’s tongue to care they’re probably both going to get come on - and ruin - another one of his shirts.

John Winchester x Gabriel

Title: Marking
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: kijikun, John/Gabriel, marking
Word Count: 277
Originally Posted: 09 February 2011, here

John presses his thumbs into Gabriel’s hips, holding him down as he fucks him open, even though John has long since learned that any act of submission from Gabriel is just that - an act. He digs his nails into Gabriel’s skin, sharp and cutting, because even though the half-moon shaped marks will fade in a few hours leaving Gabriel’s skin pale and unmarred, John still feels the need to mark.

And Gabriel just rolls his eyes, scoffing even as he arches his hips up under John’s fingers to dig the nails in deeper. He rolls his hips with every single one of John’s thrusts with lazy familiarity, like it’s a motion he’s familiar with because he’s done it a million times.

It doesn’t do anything to quell the desire to own Gabriel, completely inside and out, and John leans far enough forward that he can bite at Gabriel’s clavicle. He worries his teeth in the skin, laving his tongue over the ridges his teeth left to chase away the pain before he sucks the bite mark into his mouth to deepen the coloring.

“For the love of - “ Gabriel laughs breathlessly. He tangles his fingers in John’s hair, tugging and twisting until he manages to drag John up for a demanding kiss. “Can’t you at least wait until you’re finished to get all Cro-Magnon on me?”

John bites down on Gabriel’s jaw. “No,” he says simply. He shifts Gabriel’s legs up his waist, changing the angle and thrusting deeper and causing Gabriel to moan wantonly at every hard shove of John’s hips. John digs his nails into Gabriel’s hips again, harder, but this time, Gabriel doesn’t complain.

Dean Winchester x Gabriel x Castiel

Title: Handcuffs
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: zekkass, Gabriel/Castiel/Dean, handcuffs
Word Count: 308
Originally Posted: 02 February 2011, here

The metal of the handcuffs clinks against the metal of the headboard when Castiel moves, and he pauses long enough to glare up at the metal rings binding him. He knows with a little will, of strength, he could free himself easily, but Castiel also knows Dean and Gabriel will be disappointed in him if he does. So Castiel glowers before melting back into the pillows.

Dean and Gabriel move above him, around him, inside him, completely focused on Castiel and so impossibly out of sync with each other.

The roll of Dean’s hips is slow, his fingers skimming over Castiel’s thighs in a gentle caress as he fucks the angel. He’s moaning stupidly sweet obscenities and praises with every measured thrust, and the only thing Castiel can think to do is wrap his legs around Dean’s hips and urge him to move faster, harder. It really isn’t a surprise that Dean ignores him.

Gabriel on the other hand, is moving with hectic intent. There’s no hesitation or pattern to him licking and kissing and biting his way across Castiel’s chest, his deft fingers working Castiel’s cock with practiced ease. When he finally takes Castiel into his mouth he sucks long and hard, stroking desperately at Castiel’s shaft in determination to get him off.

And through it all, Castiel is completely at their mercy. He can whine and plead and beg all he wants, but neither Dean nor Gabriel care to listen. They’re playing their roles; he’s just along for the ride. As much as Castiel enjoys the attention, moaning with every flick of Gabriel’s tongue or press against his prostate just so, he’s determined to glower at the handcuffs binding him until it comes time to scream their names as his body shudders, ripping an orgasm out of him and leaving him sticky and sated and theirs.

Real Person Slash

Jensen Ackles x Misha Collins

Title: Headaches
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: sycophantastic, Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha or any pairing I like, really; one has a headache, has already taken Advil, pain isn't going away, so the other figures that sex is clearly the solution
Word Count: 547
Originally Posted: 02 February 2011, here

It’s not that Misha doesn’t sympathize. He does. Headaches suck and Misha really hates to see Jensen moping in the dark of their bedroom because even Advil has failed him. It’s only with the most innocent of intentions that Misha slides under the covers and slots his body against Jensen’s, fingers carding through soft hair and stroking along cheekbones. At least, that’s what Misha’s telling Jensen.

Judging by the way Jensen is watching Misha through narrowed eyes, he doesn’t really buy it. “Go away,” he mutters, letting his eyes slip shut at the soft touches. “You’re breathing too loud.” He puts his hand on Misha’s chest, but instead of pushing him away he just curls his fingers into the front of his tee shirt and holds on.

“I’m breathing too loud?” Misha asks dubiously. He lets his thumb trail across Jensen’s lips as he quirks an eyebrow, a smirk on his face. “You know sex releases endorphins that make the pain go away. A happy ending would actually make you feel better.”

Jensen scoffs at Misha, rolling his eyes in the dark and - Misha notices with a smirk - puts up no effort to stop Misha from leaning forward to kiss him. Jensen parts his lips easily, his tongue flicking out to slick-slide against Misha’s before he sighs heavily. “How do I know you’re not just doing this to be an asshole?”

“What? Who, me?” For a moment, Misha tries to act like he should be offended. Jensen reaches around to pinch Misha’s ass through his jeans though, and it startles a laugh out of him. “Okay, so I probably would if it meant getting laid.” He leans forward to press a soft kiss against Jensen’s lips, then does it again to the tip of Jensen’s nose and his forehead. “Just trust me.”

Those are dangerous words coming out of Misha’s mouth. Jensen has known Misha long enough to know that, has been sleeping with him for too many months to even pretend the words don’t worry him a little bit. He rolls onto his back when Misha urges him to though, watching Misha through half-lidded eyes. “This better be worth it.”

It’s Misha’s turn to scoff and roll his eyes, settling back on Jensen’s lap with an undignified hmmph - because seriously? “When isn’t the sex worth it?” He asks, leaning forward to nibble at Jensen’s jaw. “Have I ever left you disappointed?” Misha rolls his hips slowly and grins when Jensen groans, arching his own hips up against Misha.

“No,” Jensen manages eventually, and he slides his hands up under Misha’s shirt to press against his back, his hands hot on Misha’s bare skin. “That doesn’t mean it’s too late for you to start though.”

Misha could put up a fight or pull away, but Jensen feels too good underneath him, looks too gorgeous watching Misha out of wary eyes. That, and any sex had between them is hardly only going to be satisfying for Jensen. So Misha just sits back far enough to tug his shirt off and toss it to the side before he descends on Jensen again, licking his way into the taller male’s mouth and it’s as much as a promise that it’s going to be awesome as it is the start.

Jensen Ackles x Misha Collins x Matt Cohen

Title: GivingIn
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: sycophantastic, Jensen/Misha/Matt, one of them won't agree to [insert plans the other two are trying to make], so the two in agreement gang up on the other & use really really dirty persuasion techniques
Word Count: 411
Originally Posted: 16 February 2011, here

Misha’s torn between arching forward, dragging Matt forward with fists in his hair and forcing his cock deeper into Matt’s mouth, or pressing back, grinding his hips to meet every lazy thrust from Jensen with more than just a groan. Their hands are all over him, pushing him forward and holding him still, running up his sides and scraping welts into his stomach with their nails.

It’s the sort of limbo Misha doesn’t really know how to deal with because he doesn’t know what his body wants, what his body needs, more. Misha knows that eventually, he’ll get what he needs. That Matt will stop teasing with little licks in favor of long, hard sucks that leave Misha breathless. That Jensen will drag Misha back into his lap and fuck into him like he means it until Misha’s practically screaming for release.

Misha knows it’s a trap, know that they’re only doing this to him because they’re trying to drag an answer out of him. It doesn’t mean he has to like it, even if he kind of actually does. And it’s only when he’s starting to get used to the lazy rolls of Jensen’s hips and the gentle caress of Matt’s fingers do they give him what he’s practically begging for.

Really, the only thing surprising about Misha coming with a bitten off cry, fingers twisting painfully tight into Matt’s hair is that Jensen beats him to it, his hips stuttering up and losing their rhythm until he’s just trying to force himself as deep into Misha as he can go before he comes, dropping his forehead to Misha’s shoulder and moaning.

Matt sits back on his heels, wiping his mouth and chin with the back of his hand before grinning up at Misha, a devious little quirk of the lips. “So this means you’ll move in with us?”

Misha groans, slumping back against Jensen. He laughs, breathless and exasperated, closing his eyes and kicking at Matt lightly with his foot. “Fine,” he manages, “But this has to happen every fucking night.”

Jensen huffs out a soft laugh. He trails his fingers up the inside of Misha’s thighs until Misha shudders, and he presses a kiss to the side of Misha’s neck. “Actually, I thought maybe next time you’d fuck Matt.”

There really are no words to form in response to that, so Misha just groans and pretends Matt and Jensen aren’t grinning at each other and laughing at him.

word count: 500 - 999, rating: r, pairing: jensen x misha, kink: first time, pairing: castiel x dean, kink: rough sex, genre: au/ar, character: dean winchester, kink: frottage, pairing: jensen x matt x misha, character: gabriel (archangel/trickster), pairing: dean x jimmy, rating: pg13, rpf: jensen ackles, fandom: supernatural, warning: pwp, !fanfiction, type: slash, kink: oral, genre: hurt/comfort, warning: threesome/moresome, rpf: matt cohen, character: castiel (angel of thursday), word count: 100 - 499, pairing: john x gabriel, prompts: tiptoe39, genre: fluff, pairing: dean x gabriel, pairing: castiel x dean x gabriel, rpf: misha collins, rating: nc17, genre: domestic/food, character: john winchester, character: sam winchester, prompts: ginnna!

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