Gender!Bent Generation Kill - Brad x girl!Nate and Brad x girl!Nate x girl!Ray

Feb 28, 2011 13:18

Gender!bent Generation Kill

Brad Colbert x girl!Nate Fick & Brad Colbert x girl!Nate Fick x girl!Ray Person

Brad Colbert x girl!Nate Fick

Title: Lap Dance
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: Kari_Hermione, Brad/girl!Nate, lap dance
Word Count: 1,440
Originally Posted: 02 February 2011, here

Nate’s hands are cool where they touch Brad’s knees, shoving his khaki shorts up so she can rest her palms on his skin. She glides up the inside of his thighs, barely there contact until she rolls her hips against the front of his shorts, and Brad doesn’t think her ass has ever looked as fine as it does in her black pencil skirt.

She keeps rolling her hips, slow and teasingly, and Brad’s not entirely surprised to look at the reflection in the TV and find a look of concentration on Nate’s face. Her skirt is hitching up her thighs bit by bit with every drag of her hips and Nate makes a soft sound of frustration, letting go of Brad’s knee to fix it. She hooks her fingers under the soft fabric and hitches it up, instead of smoothing it out like Brad thought she would, and she laughs softly when Brad curses.

You have no idea what you do to me, Brad wants to tell her, but he figures Nate probably does. It’s what spawned the impromptu lap dance, after all. Brad doesn’t say a thing though, instead opting to rest his hands on Nate’s hips and kiss her shoulder when she leans back, draping herself across his front with her back to his chest.

Trailing her fingers up her own thighs slowly, Nate makes a soft, pleased sound, before turning her head to nibble at Brad’s chin. She mouths along his jaw to his ear, flicking her tongue out to trace the shell before nipping at the lobe. She doesn’t stop the slow rolling of her hips, but she’s finally pressing down against Brad, the pressure tauntingly too light, and she holds onto his thigh to keep from slipping down his lap and to the floor.

Brad doesn’t know where Nate learned to do this, because it’s certainly never something they’ve done before, but he hopes it’s a question that can be solved just by flipping through Nate’s browsing history. He tries to distract himself from the sudden jealousy at the thought of Nate maybe doing this to someone else by tugging her button down from her skirt, and her skin feels impossibly hot under his fingers.

Batting his fingers away, Nate laughs. “This is my show,” she tells him, but she tangles her fingers with Brad’s and trails their hands up over her stomach and towards her breasts. She lets out a soft sound when Brad squeezes, bringing his other hand to capture the swell of her in his palms, and Nate arches into the touch. “Brad,” Nate warns, but it doesn’t sound like a reprimand, not really.

Still, this is Nate’s show, and Brad drops his hands and lets Nate push herself away from his body. She turns on her heels easily, fingers deftly popping the top few buttons of her shirt at the same time. Resting her hands on Brad’s thighs, she leans forward to kiss his forehead, and he’s given an excellent view down the front of her shirt and at her boobs.

Brad barely has time to register the fact Nate is wearing the pale green bra he bought her for her birthday last year, idly wondering if she’s wearing the matching panties, before Nate is sliding to her knees between Brad’s legs.

She throws her head back, her hair falling around her face and her throat as it escapes her messy bun, and she stares up at Brad with a quirky little half smile as she presses her chest to his groin and she feels the swelling of his cock. Nate drags her knuckles down the line of his zipper accidentally on purpose when she finishes undoing the buttons on her shirt. Her hands slide up and down Brad’s thighs a few times before she presses her palms to his knees and she pushes herself back up to her feet.

It’s then that Nate lets her shirt fall from her shoulders and pool at her feet, and she turns on her heels again. She takes her time in smoothing out the lines of her skirt before she reaches behind herself to undo the zipper, and Nate sashays her hips slowly as she works it down the length of her long legs and lets it rest on the floor with her shirt. She casts a glance over her shoulder at Brad, swaying her hips from side to side again, and all Brad can do is breathe “Nate.”

Nate’s on him again in a heartbeat, her hands running up his thighs and to his hips. She wastes no words or formalities in reaching for Brad’s shirt, tugging at it gracelessly until Brad arches forward and lets her tug it up and off of him. The moment she tosses the shirt to the side, she starts kissing a line up Brad’s chest from his belly button, dragging her thigh along his cock as she climbs up his body and settles on his lap.

She presses her chest towards his face, the silky smooth skin of her breasts and the lace of her bra a strangely wonderful sensation against his cheek. Brad kisses the center of her chest, because he can, and licks a line up towards her throat. She tastes like salt and smells like the ocean, and Brad isn’t sure if it’s from a bottle or natural, but he likes it.

“Thought I told you this was my show,” Nate says, amusement obvious in her voice when Brad captures her hips with his hands. “Don’t make me order you to behave.” She’s silently laughing at him, Brad can see it in her eyes, but she doesn’t stop Brad from mouthing kisses at her throat so he figures the words are empty threats.

Besides, “if you hadn’t wanted me to touch you wouldn’t be doing this,” Brad murmurs against her jaw. “And you wouldn’t have taken my shirt off.”

This time, Nate does laugh, soft and low. She digs her nails into Brad’s shoulders lightly, before tracing patterns into the hard muscles of his chest. She settles her weight more comfortably on Brad’s lap, her thighs spread on either side of his hips, and she starts to roll her hips again. “I had this entire thing planned out, don’t mess me up now.”

Brad snorts in reply, because of course Nate would have planned this. “My apologies,” he says, sucking one last kiss into her jaw before settling back into the couch. He drops his hands from her hips, trailing along the backs of her thighs before he can tease the soft skin behind her knees, and he grins when she bucks against him. “Continue.”

Nate grins at Brad, trailing her hands down his chest and to his hips, and she pushes herself off of him again. Her fingers skim over his thighs, barely touching his shorts, before she turns around and glides her ass back up his thighs and to his crotch. If the rolling of her hips is anything to go by, she’s done teasing, and Brad wonders if it was part of the plan, or if it’s because he’s thrown her off track.

Either way, Brad feels no guilt in sliding his fingers along the hem of her panties towards her front before dipping his fingers down and under. Nate bucks back against him, surprised, but she makes no move to stop him from slipping his fingers further down until he can drag the pads of his fingers against her clit.

“Or we could just skip to the fucking,” Nate offers magnanimously, her breath hitching as Brad’s fingers move against her. She hooks her fingers in her panties, easing them down herself, and she kicks them away before batting away Brad’s hand. She doesn’t bother with her bra, and Brad lets it be, because he knows she hates the way it feels for her boobs to bounce and Nate’s already gone above and beyond the call of duty for all intents and purposes, so to speak.

Pushing away from Brad’s body, Nate watches as Brad undoes his shorts and boxers and shoves them down his thighs, and they’re barely out of the way before she’s crawling into Brad’s lap again. Brad’s just glad he had enough time to snag a condom from his pocket, because Nate’s looking at him with a whole different kind of focused concentration on her face, the one that usually means there is a very happy ending in Brad’s future.

And Brad just rolls with it, because it’s Nate, and she’s hot and slick and perfect and there isn’t a single good reason why he shouldn’t.

Title: Beach
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: Kari_hermione, girl!Nate/Brad, public sex
Word Count: 379
Originally Posted: 09 February 2011, here

There’s a time and a place, Nate likes to tell Brad. Usually, the place tends to be either of their apartments, but it’s nice to know with a little alcohol after spending all day on the beach trying to teach Nate how to surf that Nate’s willing to bend a little. Her thighs are warm under Brad’s hands and on either side of his hips, a nice contrast to the sand already starting to cool now that the sun has set.

“This is a really bad idea,” Nate tells Brad. She wraps an arm around his neck, nuzzling against his cheek before nibbling along his jaw. Nate has put her sundress from this morning back on over her swim suit, and it hides the fact that her bottoms are stretched down around her knees. “Like, illegal kind of bad.”

“Just shut up,” Brad murmurs. Every time he brushes his thumb over her clit, Nate’s thighs clench and her knees tighten on either side of him, but she doesn’t push him away, doesn’t stop him. Brad’s just glad they’re alone, because even in the dark the small motions of Nate pushing herself up and sliding down Brad’s dick are obvious.

Nate’s tight and slick and perfect, digging her nails into Brad’s shoulders with every slow roll of her hips, her breath stuttering and catching every time Brad thumbs at her clit. She’s watching Brad through half-lidded eyes, a lazy smile on her face. Every now and then, Nate’s fingers fly out to smooth or adjust her dress, and she laughs breathlessly when Brad mutters about the stupid sunflower pattern. “Just shut up,” she laughs.

Brad could bitch at her, but he settles for flicking his thumb over her clit and rocking his hips up to meet her on her next downward slide. He curls his fingers around the back of her neck, tugging her forward for an open-mouthed kiss to swallow back the soft, needy sounds she’s making. Nate’s nails sting where they’re digging into his skin and he’s going to have sand in places it has no right to be but Brad really doesn’t care. He can’t bring himself to, not when Nate’s thighs shudder and she clinches around him tightly, his name a broken moan on her lips.

Title: Mornings
Prompt: Kari_hermione, Brad/girl!Nate
Word Count: 183
Originally Posted: 04 February 2011, here

Nate wakes up to the feeling of being half-crushed by a 6’4” Viking sex god. She can’t fight the smile on her face and she wiggles and squirms until she can roll over onto her side and face Brad.

Brad just watches her through half-lidded eyes, probably awake from Nate maybe accidentally elbowing him.

“You stayed,” Nate says softly, skimming her fingertips across Brad’s cheek and along the curve of his lips.

“You asked me to,” Brad replies quietly. His eyes flutter shut at the contact, a soft smile on his face.

She’s still smiling as she nestles in closer, as close as she can possibly get, and she’s relieved that Brad lets her. “Good,” Nate says, brushing her lips along the curve of Brad’s jaw.

Bard hums in response. He traces his fingers up along Nate’s spine, shifting his thigh more comfortably between her legs. Nate gets the feeling he has no intention of leaving again anytime soon.

“Good,” Nate murmurs again. She’s still smiling when she drifts back to sleep, feeling impossibly warm and safe as she lies tangled with Brad.

Brad Colbert x girl!Nate Fick x girl!Ray Person

Title: School Uniform
Theme: Kinky Wednesday
Prompt: kari_hermione, Brad/girl!Nate/girl!Ray, Nate's school uniform still fits
Word Count: 2,250
Originally Posted: 16 February 2011, here

The skirt feels a lot shorter than Nate remembers it being, but the faded blue pleated fabric brings back so many memories. It’s a little tighter around her hips too, but that’s not something Nate really wants to think about. The button down still fits her perfectly though, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and after six years in private school, she still has no problem clipping on and adjusting her tie tab.

Really, Nate’s looking in the mirror and she doesn’t feel all that different from the eighteen year old girl who used to bitch to her mom every day about how much she hates this stupid uniform. If it weren’t for Ray meandering into the room with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth, Nate would probably have just stood there admiring herself and reminiscing for a while yet.

“Holy fucking shit,” Ray says though, snapping Nate out of her reverie. “Holy fucking shit. Brad!” Ray screams, the toothbrush falling from her mouth and clattering to the hardwood floor. “Brad! You need to see this.”

“Ray,” Nate starts, but she hesitates. She’s not exactly sure why Ray’s freaking out, is already reaching to undo her tie tab when Brad’s suddenly at Ray’s shoulder, towering over her.

“What the fuck is your problem, Ray?” Brad asks, scowling at her. He glances up to look at Nate then, and he makes a soft sound. When Brad’s eyes roam up and down Nate’s body, it’s shameless and obvious, and she abandons trying to undo her tie tab because she knows what this is about. “Jesus,” Brad says.

“I feel like I’ve died and gone to the proverbial Heaven,” Ray says. She reaches blindly behind herself until her hand is hitting Brad’s chest, and she curls his fingers into his shirt. “Is it your birthday? I don’t even know. It’s not mine. It’s definitely not Christmas but I don’t care - and what the fuck am I talking about, do you have a fucking camera, Brad? Wait, don’t answer that, just let me bask. Just shut up.”

Quirking an eyebrow, Nate crosses her arms over her chest. She thinks better of it then, placing her hands on her hips, and it doesn’t seem to help Ray and Brad’s stunned silence. “Okay, it’s not like this is the first time either of you have seen me in a skirt before.”

“Sssh,” Brad says. “Just sssh.” He doesn’t quite touch his finger to his lips, but it’s a close thing. His hand drops to Ray’s shoulder, and he squeezes it lightly. “Just one more minute.”

“You two are ridiculous,” Nate says, rolling her eyes. She undoes her tie tab, letting it fall to the floor, but by the time she moves to start unbuttoning her shirt, Ray is shoving her none too gently towards the bed. Nate falls back onto the mattress with a startled ‘oomph’, her arms flying out instinctively for Ray’s arms to drag her down too.

Ray really doesn’t seem to have a problem with the situation. She licks her way into Nate’s mouth desperately, not even bothering to hide the soft sounds she’s making. Ray’s propping herself on her palms on either side of Nate’s head, and Nate feels trapped, but it doesn’t stop her from grinning when Ray settles her weight on Nate’s thighs and starts muttering obscenities under her breath. “Jesus fuck, Nate, are you trying to kill me?”

Nate laughs, bringing her hands up to card through Ray’s messy hair, her fingers cupping along the back of Ray’s skull and tugging her in for another kiss. “Not that I don’t mind the attention, but sex works better if we’re naked.”

“You are never taking this skirt off again,” Ray groans. She pushes back to rest her weight on her heels, staring down at Nate with something like lust and admiration in her eyes. “You have no idea how many times I’ve masturbated to that picture your sister put on your Facebook page and this is like a million times better and Jesus Christ, why am I not touching you right now?” Ray’s hands are hot against Nate’s skin even through her shirt, her fingers tracing the curve of Nate’s breasts slowly.

And Nate’s waiting for a sharp retort from Brad, telling Ray she’s talking too much or that they need to get naked, but he’s still standing in the doorway when Nate looks over at him. His pupils are blown, his knuckles white from where his fingers are curled into the door jamb. There’s an obvious tent in the front of his sweats, but he makes no move to run his hand over it or to join them on the bed.

Really, Nate’s insulted. Ray is, too, if her “get the fuck over here and help me debauch Nate, Colbert” comment is anything to go by.

It does the trick though, because Brad is stripping off his shirt and letting it fall to the floor as he crosses the room. “Scoot up the bed,” he orders, his voice dark and low, and both Nate and Ray obey instantly. He waits until Nate’s far enough on the bed that she can dig her heels in the mattress, forcing Ray to scoot forward until she’s holding her weight above Nate’s stomach, and then Brad’s kicking off his sweats and boxers and sliding between Nate’s thighs.

“Fuck yes,” Ray says, grinning. She leans back against Brad, one of his arms curling around her stomach easily and his fingers dip between her legs, rubbing the center seam of her jeans. Ray bucks into his hand, a startled laugh escaping her. “Fuck yes,” she says again, grinning. “This - “

“Shut up, Ray,” Brad says. He leans forward to nip at Ray’s neck, nuzzling behind her ear lightly. His eyes flicker to Nate, a slow smirk twitching onto his face when she props herself on her elbows. “Grab a condom,” Brad tells Ray, pressing a soft kiss to the spot behind her ear, and he dips his free hand between Nate’s thighs to trace his fingers against her cunt through the soft cotton of her panties. “I need to fuck Nate, now.”

“Who says you get to fuck Nate first?” Ray asks, scowling. She stretches across the bed to fumble towards the night stand anyways, and Nate takes the opportunity to run her hands up under Ray’s shirt - Nate’s shirt, Nate notices, because Ray is a sneaky little thief - before she catches the hem and tugs the shirt up. Ray pauses in her search long enough to shrug her shirt off, tossing it to the far side of the bed. She makes a triumphant sound when she finds what she was looking for, and she’s back to kissing Nate breathless in a heartbeat. As soon as Ray is settled again, she braces herself with one arm over Nate’s head and she unbuttons and unzips her jeans with her free hand, slipping her own hand down the elastic of her panties to touch herself.

Nate’s fingers can’t really reach Brad, not with the way her legs are spread and Ray is owning Nate’s space. She’s forced to settle with holding one hand to the nape of Ray’s neck, keeping her in one place as their tongues tangle and they pant into each other’s mouths. Nate’s other hand slips down the front of Ray’s jeans, sliding along Ray’s until they’re both rubbing at her clit and Ray is moaning loudly into Nate’s mouth.

It’s the same time Brad is carefully working Nate’s panties down her thighs and over her knees, shifting far enough back that she can kick them off before he’s pressing against her again. His hands slip down Nate’s thighs and under Nate’s ass, and he hefts her up none too gently, forcing Ray further up Nate’s body with a startled curse. “Sorry,” Brad says, but he’s smirking, and any reprimands Nate might have had die when he slips a finger into her slick entrance and thumbs at her clit.

“I thought you were supposed to be fucking her,” Ray reprimands, glowering over her shoulder. “Do I need to teach you what to do with that monster cock of yours? Because, believe me, I - “

Nate scrapes her nail over Ray’s clit before sliding her fingers back far enough to slip inside of Ray, effectively shutting her up as she moans out. It’s a bad angle, and Nate wouldn’t be surprised if it kills her wrist later, but for now she’s perfectly content to work at Ray.

Ray’s interruption, for what it was worth, seems to have done the trick though. Brad’s fingers only tease Nate for a moment before he reaches for the condom Ray dropped to the side. His fingers skim along Nate’s thigh at the same time he rolls it on, and he takes a minute to fiddle with the hem of her skirt. Brad slides his hands under Nate’s hips again, fingers digging into her ass as he hefts her up, but she’s ready for it this time. Letting go of Nate with one hand long enough to line himself up and push in, Brad drops his forehead to Ray’s back and starts cursing under his breath as he sinks into Nate, his thumb rubbing against her clit spastically.

“Oh,” Nate breathes out, because there’s no way she could possibly form any real words right now. She arches his neck to give Ray room to mouth at her throat and collarbone, her breath ragged as they both work at Ray’s clit, and Nate digs her heels into the mattress to try and heft her weight up.

“It’s fine,” Brad groans, patting at Nate’s thigh awkwardly, forcing himself to sit back up. He pulls out slowly before pushing back in, and repeats the process. Short, determined thrusts that have him biting his lip and choking back sounds as he tries to hold back from just fucking her open, as he gives Nate time to adjust.

Nate can’t roll her hips to meet Brad’s thrusts, not with Ray pinning her down. She isn’t going to complain though, not when Brad starts to thumb at her clit again and he starts to thrust harder, deeper. The sounds he makes are harsh, matching the determined rolling of his hips and the way his fingers are digging into her ass, tight enough Nate is sure she’s going to have bruises. She’s so busy focusing on Brad, on his half lidded eyes and the breathless sounds he’s making, Nate’s completely surprised when Ray bucks hard against Nate, all but screaming into her ear.

“Jesus,” Brad curses, and it’s exactly how Nate feels.

Ray melts boneless on top of Nate, mouthing kisses to the side of Nate’s neck and muttering praises and obscenities that Nate can’t quite catch or understand.

Nate frees her hand from Ray’s jeans, wiping her fingers dry on the sheets, before running her hands up and down Ray’s sides slowly. “I’ve got you,” Nate says, pressing her lips against Ray’s cheek. “I’ve got you,” Nate says, but she’s staring up at Brad and she thinks Brad understands.

Brad’s hips snap into Nate almost painfully, his fingers working at her clit with solid determination and Nate’s not surprised when she starts to feel the coil of heat at the base of her spine, traveling through her veins and under her skin until she’s trembling and gasping for breath. Her entire body is a taut spring, every muscle in her body clenching up in anticipation, and when she comes, Brad’s nails catching and dragging against her clit, Nate shudders and cries out, startling Ray into semi-consciousness again.

Ray props herself up on her elbows, throwing a look over her shoulder just as Brad grunts and trembles, grinding his hips into Nate and forcing himself as far in as he can go. He all but collapses forward onto Ray, forcing Ray back down onto Nate, until Nate is breathless and numb and she never wants to move again, even if she might die from being crushed. Brad probably feels the same way, if his soft whine and grunting when Ray elbows and shoves at him until he’s pulling out of Nate and plopping onto his stomach next to her.

There’s a wet thwack from the condom missing the trashcan, but Nate can’t bring herself to care right now. “So,” Nate manages, wiping at her face tiredly and digging the heel of her palm into an eye. “School uniform, huh?”

“Next time you’re wearing knee high socks,” Ray sighs happily, nuzzling into Nate’s neck. “And Brad will spank you. Maybe with his belt. It’ll be fucking awesome. You can bend over your desk in the office and I can eat you out and - “

“You’ve thought about this a lot?” Nate asks, teasing. She trails her fingers up and down Ray’s spine lazily, enjoying the way Ray shudders against Nate’s side, and she fumbles blindly with her other hand until she can find Brad’s, tangling their fingers together. “You okay there, Brad?”

Brad’s quite for a long moment, and the only sign Nate has that he hasn’t died is that he squeezes her hand tightly. Nate’s just about to point out that he seems to be the only one who managed to get naked, when Brad’s voice cuts her off, tired and confused. “Why is my toothbrush on the floor?” He asks, and he sounds more exasperated than anything.

Nate can’t help it - she laughs.

Title: Some Days
Prompt: theburningdoll, anything with girl!Nate/Brad/girl!Ray
Word Count: 604
Originally Posted: 15 February 2011, here

Sometimes, Brad hates his life and everything around in it. He hates the fact he’s shacked up with two of the most conniving and creative women he’s ever met. He really hates the days when they agree on things. It usually ends up with Brad doing something he really doesn’t want to, like going grocery shopping or spending a week in Missouri with Ray’s family or babysitting Nate’s nieces.

Less frequently, Ray and Nate’s plotting lead to him slumped into the couch cushions with his wrists bound in a messy knot by silk rope behind his back. Brad’s going to have to yell at Ray about her inferior rope knotting skills, but it can wait until later.

Much later.

Mostly because Ray and Nate are both pressed side by side between the ‘v’ of Brad’s long legs, fingers and lips teasing against each other, against Brad’s knees and thighs all the way up to his groin.

Ray’s the first one to reach for Brad’s cock, her fingertips barely skimming over the head. She wraps her fingers around the base and strokes lazily upwards, turning her head just far enough to nip at Nate’s ear and grins widely at the startled laugh it elicits.

There isn’t really a lot of room for the two of them, but Nate’s fingers join Ray’s on Brad’s cock and she turns towards Ray for a proper kiss. It’s wet and loud and filthy, and Brad knows they’re only doing this to frustrate him. Their hands aren’t even moving in sync, fingers only occasionally curling together as they move.

“I’d hate to interrupt,” Brad starts, but he’s cut off by Ray leaning forward to wrap her lips around the head of his cock, sucking hard. He arches his hips up, trying for more, but Ray and Nate manage to hold him down easily. They always do, when they’re working together.

“Then don’t,” Nate hums out. She runs her fingers down Ray’s spine slowly, and when Nate reaches the hem of Ray’s jeans, she repeats the motion again, petting Ray. It’s the same soothing motion she’s using on Brad’s thigh, even though none of them need it. Still, Nate’s lips are soft against the crease of Brad’s thigh and groin, and her tongue is hot when she flicks it out against the base of Brad’s cock.

Nate and Ray are half curled towards each other, shoving Brad’s legs further apart and draping across his thighs and it’s obscene the way they both mouth at his cock. Two sets of lips and tongues leaving suckling kisses against the veiny underside and around the base, fingers slipping through a mess of precome and spit and tangling with tongues. They take turns mouthing at Brad’s cockhead, sliding down his length until he’s buried in the back of a throat and only pulling off when he gets close.

On occasion, Brad really hates his life. It leads to torture and subjugation, Brad straining helplessly against their powers and desperate for release from the relentless teasing. Even though he’s long since learned they’re not going to let him go until they’re finished and that Ray and Nate will hardly share that information with him.

And when Brad does manage to come, hot and hard and straining against the rope that’s bound just well enough to keep him where Ray and Nate want him, he can’t really complain. Especially not when Ray and Nate laugh, licking thick ropes of come from each other’s jaws and chins before kissing again. Because of all the days Brad hates pretty much everything in existence, this isn’t really one of them.

Title: Beds built for three
Prompt: kari_hermione, Brad/girl!Nate/girl!Ray
Word Count: 431
Originally Posted: 15 February 2011, here

Nate doesn’t like to complain. Normally, when she has an issue, she just does her best to tough it out and move on. There’s no point in wasting the breath. This time, though, Nate figures she might need to make an exception.

The thing is, Ray kicks in her sleep. She punches, too. Ray just flops all over, taking up nearly the entire bed and stealing all the covers. Whenever she’s close enough, Ray mouths at Nate’s arm or chest or whatever bit of skin she can gets her lips against and on occasion, Ray’s been known to drool.

Nate wakes up with bruises and slobber on her skin every morning because there’s absolutely no way for her to avoid it. Not with the way Brad curls around her back, pressing against her from her shoulders to her knees with not enough room for oxygen to pass between them.

Brad’s arms hold Nate in place, one knee tucked between her thighs and his face pressed to the back of his neck. He’ll deny it ‘till his dying day, but he’s the worst cuddle-bug Nate’s ever met. The only good thing about this is that Nate never freezes to death when Ray hogs all the covers because Brad is her own personal space heater.

Nate knows she should complain, but as she lies in the dark and fingers an old bruise on her ribs she can’t really figure out if there’s a good solution. The obvious one is to just stop sharing a bed with Ray and Brad, but it isn’t a good one. It was hard enough getting the three of them to work in the first place, Nate has no doubts that her sleeping on the couch would put some serious strain on them.

There’s a huff of warm breath against the back of her neck, and the low rumble of Brad’s voice. “Go back to sleep, Nate,” he says. “You’re thinking too loudly.”

And Nate would argue, but Brad nuzzles his face against her and Ray’s sprawled on her back and motionless for once, and there really isn’t a good reason for Nate to put up a fight. She fumbles behind herself with one hand to run her fingers over Brad’s scalp slowly before she melts back into the mattress and smiles tiredly. “Sorry.”

Brad just huffs against her skin again, slipping his knee a little higher between her thighs, and then he’s out again. His arms tighten around her middle, just enough to deter her from even considering leaving, but there’s nowhere else Nate ever wants to be.

Title: No Nose Goes
Prompt: kari_hermione, Brad/girl!Nate/girl!Ray
Word Count: 484
Originally Posted: 15 February 2011, here

“No nose goes!” Ray says, plopping on the couch half on top of Brad, and touching a finger to the tip of her nose.

Brad’s not even sure what they’re supposed to be trying to get out of, but he reaches for his nose anyways.

“Too late,” Nate says, grinning. She’s leaning against the archway that leads into the kitchen, and she’s got one finger pressed to the tip of her nose as well.

Sighing in exasperation, Brad looks from where Nate is standing to Ray who has already somehow wormed his Xbox controller from his hands without his noticing and playing his game. “Fine, what is it that I’m doing?”

“You have to cook dinner,” Nate says.

Normally, Brad would point out that Nate and Ray were both women, and that by definition they should excel in the kitchen and enjoy cooking dinner. Only, Nate had called him a sexist mother fucker, led Ray into a coup, and not only had Brad slept on the couch for a week, neither Ray nor Nate would put out.

Which really sucks, because Ray is actually an exceptional cook when she feels like it. The problem is, she never does.

Which would leave Nate to cook but if it doesn’t come out of a box than Brad and Ray have long since stopped trusting Nate to cook anything edible. She’s not really allowed or trusted alone in a kitchen, which is kind of funny, since it’s Nate.

Brad can feel Ray and Nate looking at him though, and he rolls his eyes. “How about I just give you my credit card and you call for takeout?”

“You’ll let me have your credit card?” Ray asks, perking up.

“No,” Brad says, scowling. He has to push Ray’s legs off of him to arch his hips and reach his back pocket, but as soon as he’s got his wallet free she throws them right back up. “Here, Nate.”

“I can’t believe you don’t trust me,” Ray says, pouting. “It’s not like I’d try and buy a new car or anything. I think we could both agree that Nate would look awesome in a nurse’s outfit. Or a schoolgirl one. Oooh - “

“Shut up, Ray,” Nate says, rolling her eyes. She takes Brad’s wallet and leans over him to press her lips against Ray’s forehead. “Just be glad you’re not forced to cook or pay for dinner.”

“Fair enough,” Ray says. She curls into Brad’s side with a happy sound, handing his controller back to him. “Though you have to admit I have a point.”

Brad accepts it wordlessly, wondering what on Earth he did to deserve this kind of punishment. Then again, he’d probably do it all over again, if he had the choice. “Just shut up, Ray.”

Ray sticks out her tongue, but obeys, and Brad knows that yeah, he definitely would do it all over again.

Title: Normal
Prompt: kari_hermione, Brad/girl!Nate/girl!Ray, early morning
Word Count: 177
Originally Posted: 02 February 2011, here

Ray’s pretty sure she lives with crazy people. Normal people don’t wake up at ass o’clock in the morning to go on runs, leaving the house before they’ve even brushed their teeth or had coffee. Fuck, only weird people think spending an hour running in silence and occasionally giving each other deep and meaningful looks is like true love or something.

Honestly, Ray isn’t entirely sure why she puts up with Brad and Nate’s weird behavior. The only thing Ray knows for sure is that every morning, Brad and Nate leave her alone in bed to go for a run, and she stays there until they get back an hour later, pushing and shoving each other and fighting over who gets the first shower.

Every morning though, when Ray hears the shower turn on and her girlfriend and boyfriend start to argue and laugh, Ray rolls out of bed to make the first pot of coffee for the day. Because while Nate and Brad may be crazy, they’re her crazies, and she does kind of love them.

kink: oral, word count: 500 - 999, rating: r, pairing: brad x nate x ray, genre: crack/humor, warning: threesome/moresome, type: het, genre: au/ar, character: ray person, word count: 100 - 499, type: femmeslash, genre: friendship/family, rating: pg13, kink: masturbation, genre: fluff, pairing: brad x nate, warning: pwp, fandom: generation kill, character: brad colbert, word count: 1.000 - 1.499, word count: 1.500 - 2.499, rating: nc17, !fanfiction, rating: g, genre: domestic/food, kink: public!sex, prompts: max the dirty evil little enabl, character: nate fick, warning: gender bending/swap, rating: pg

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