Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors. I'll speak up against hate and intolerance whenever I see it, at school and at work. I'll provide hope for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and other bullied teens by letting them know that "It Gets Better."
In response to the bullying and subsequent suicide of many of our country's teenagers, columnist and author Dan Savage created a YouTube video with his life partner, in an attempt to send a message to our youth, that it does get better- it just has to. That video sparked the It Gets Better Project- a massive world-wide movement that has born fruit to over 5000 videos and more than 15 million views. The website
www.itgetsbetterproject.com is a place where teens from all over the world can go to find help and hope through the many stories and videos posted by family, friends, and allies-alike.
I am dedicating this post to anyone who has ever been bullied and feels like it's never going to end. And for their allies who stuck up for them, supported them, and prayed for things to change. This is also for the families and friends of those that we have lost along the way. The time is now to make an impact and spread the love to the children of our world. They are our future; they deserve our support and a chance at life.
Please take the pledge with me. For the next week, I would like for you to click on the google ads as much as you can because any money received by your efforts will be donated to the It Gets Better Project. If we reach $30, I will get a t-shirt and have all of your names written on the shirt. I'll have it framed and find out how I can use it as a symbol of our collective activism. Don't forget to leave your name in the comment box, as that will let me know who donated.
Once, we reach our target goal, I will personally create a YouTube video for the project. Again, click on those ads, leave your name, make a difference. Thank you so much in advance!