May 25, 2008 10:01
There has to be a reason on this earth that I get stuck behind all comical characters at cash counters. Unfailingly.
For a while I had decided that there was no point moaning about it and accepted it as destiny. Yesterday I thought why not try and start thinking about it again.
So, here's what happened.
We are out shopping for a whole lot of big and small things and had agreed to have iced tea at Dorabjees. Well, it wasn't Dorabjees branded, but Nestle branded but what's with this nitpicking ? This was after I was treated (yeah !! this is the week of treats from the best half) to iced Assam+Blackberry Grande tea at Barista. So, while she was picking up stuff from inside the store, I stood outside at the counter to get/haggle/snatch coupons for tea all the while praying that at least a pair of seats are available for us oldies.
I am in queue, 1 person before me. He first asks for idlis ... I get the twitch that this is going to be another of those kind of men. Lo behold !! He takes the idli (note the singular) and then proceeds to order-cancel-reorder-recancel-decide-ruminate-relook-rethink-reorder-recancel-order a whole lot of stuff finally ending with those huge chicken legs. Idli with Chicken Leg ? $DEITY have mercy. Anyways, so I smile at the person behind the counter and proceed to place my order. And ...
... a young girl (well late teens most likely, but at my age they are young anyways) "sorry"s her way into that constricted space that can never take my right arm, and proceeds to ask about if they have a dozen chicken tikka sandwiches. All nice - she ain't ordering I tell myself. Hah !! She blurts out that there's this small point of an auto waiting and can they please warm the sandwiches up quickly.
I put on my gruff voice, ask for my tea coupons and move away. Meanwhile we have a seat and just as I was about to sit down, I steal a glance at the nice melee before the counter. The girl has managed to upset an elderly (elderly compared to me) couple who are mightly agitated and trying to teach her manners. The girl behind the counter is laughing her head off. And we are at a table enjoying huge cups of iced tea :)
Fun and malice.