I received this comment...

Feb 04, 2006 18:55

I opened my mail today and I found this comment on my post:

I'm a guy in South Africa and I was looking for information regarding Yorkshire Terriers and came accross your blog.

I surfed through your site and came accross your live chat.

It offends me that you would use God's name so shamelessly in your everyday vocabulary.
I want you to stop because I'm affraid that you don't know what you are doing when you use His name in such a fashion.

It'll be like me saying something like "Oh Mohammed, my ass is burning from this hot curry." or "Oh Mo, the dog bit me."

Stay away from biblical holy figures in your daily speech, especially when cursing.

Find other words and encourage your friends and family too to refrain from using God's name.

I'll check in with you again some time later.


I have some things I would like to say to that!

Firstly, God is an universal term. When I say God, I could be referring to my Gods, that is Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Indra, anybody! I could be referring to 'Mo' as you call him or of course, the so-called 'Christian' God. I could be referring to anything: Nature, supernatural forces anything!

Secondly, what in the world is wrong with using God in everyday vocabulary? I confess, I'm an agnostic-atheist but if you really have faith in God, don't you think using his/her/its name in daily vocab will only reinforce your faith? Will keep reminding you about God and his power and his wisdom? By isolating God from yourself, you may reinforce his divinity but you're actually losing out on personal contact with him, aren't you? Of course, that is a personal choice but let other's decide what's best for them, won't you?

WHich brings me to my next point. If this is a free forum, an uncensored area, then I can write what the HELL I want to and how I want to and when I want to. You find something wrong with it, you see that little x button on top there? Click on it!

And what's this?

I'll check in with you again some time later.

Are you going to police my blog now? No thank you!!

I have no problems with your opinions. They're yours and yours alone. But don't try to influence the way I write, and hence, think, with such ridiculous moral idealogies.

(And thanks for your phone number, btw. I'm certainly going to call you all the way from India to apologize for my vocabulary!)

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